[22] - I Remember

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Tonight Juliana would be staying at Wren's place since he stayed at hers yesterday. They had spent the time from when Jules got to his apartment to when they were both dozing off watching movies. 

Jules noticed that the conversation between them was lacking. Wren wasn't talking and bickering as much as he used to, and Jules was worried. Had she done something? She couldn't help but feel guilty. 

Now Jules was in Wren's bathroom, brushing her teeth before she and Wren went to sleep. Wren was already in bed, freshly showered and smelling heavenly, in Jules' opinion. 

As Jules brushed her teeth, she thought back to the night that Wren and her had spent at the club. She wished she could remember all of that night, just so she could use some of what Wren had done against him. She hoped that when she remembered, she would find out something embarrassing, like he was an angry drunk, or he was a clumsy drunk. She thought back long and hard, but she couldn't remember anything. Her memory only went as far as taking the first shot with him. 

She rinsed her mouth out before leaving the bathroom. Wren was already under the covers, his cell phone illuminating his face. He quickly clicked out of who he was texting just before Jules climbed in next to him. Jules didn't miss it. 

Dismissing it, Jules got comfortable and opened her mouth to speak. Wren spoke before she could. "Hey, can I tell you something, Jules?"

"Yeah sure." She said with a yawn. The cool temperature of the room and the warm body heat emanating off of Wren was already making her sleepy. 

Wren was silent for a few moments, trying to figure out how to word what he wanted to tell her. He decided that he was overthinking it. "Listen, Jules, I don't want this to come between us in any way, but so many people have told me to tell you this, and I've only now just worked up the courage to actually tell you. Jules, I really really--"

Her soft snores interrupted him. 

He sighed, but a small smile rose on his lips at her relaxed form. He hugged her close and kissed the top of her head before falling asleep with her minutes later. 

Jules woke up in the middle of the night. 

The clock read just after 3 am, so she relaxed back into the bed. She had an odd dream, but it felt so real to her. She tried to remember what it was. She could only remember bits and pieces of it. She was at a club, who with, she wasn't sure. 

She seemed drunk in the dream, from the small remnants that she could remember. There was something else that she couldn't quite put her finger on, but it felt like it was a big deal. 

And then it hit.

The feel of another pair of lips on hers. Large hands holding her hips firmly in their grasp. Another body pressed against hers. Sensual moving to the beat of the generic pop song playing through the loud speakers. Lips still on hers, massaging, conveying a secret meaning as they moved in perfect sync with hers. 

Then her dream started to connect back to real life. 

Second after second of the night she had spent with Wren at the club flooded through her mind, Her body warmed so much that she wanted the sheets off of her, but her body was frozen. 

She remembered everything. She remembered getting drunk with him. dragging him off to the dance floor and grinding on him. Grinding for hell's sake. She had never grinded on a guy before! She remembered the secure feel of his large hands on her hips, moving his body with and against hers. Her body temperature rose another degree. Why was she feeling like this?

Finally, she remembered turning around, having all the words sucked out of her brain at the look in his eyes. 

The very same look he had given her when they were making pizzas together just a couple days before. She knew she had seen it before.

Then she remembered boldy kissing him as if there were no tomorrow. Her lips tingled at the thought. She couldn't help the hand that went up to touch her lips. 

She replayed the kiss with Wren over and over again, each replay adding hundreds more butterflied to the flock already causing a ruckus in her stomach. Had she really kissed him? And had he really kissed her back?

One thing was for sure. She liked Wren. A lot. 

The denial set in then. There was no way Wren liked her back. She was only a short girl who could pass for a high school freshman. How could sexy, handsome Wren like her? Nothing was special about her. Wren could certainly have any girl that he wanted. 

Juliana didn't want to be in like with a guy who didn't like her back. She wasn't ready for that kind of pain. 

She got out of the bed and hastily found her shoes, jacket, and phone. She was going to grab her overnight bag, but Wren began to stir, so she bolted out of the room as quickly and quietly as she could.

Wren had picked her up, so she walked a couple of blocks down the road before calling a cab to get back home. 

She spent the short ride wiping her tears before the driver could see. She didn't know why she was crying. Maybe it was the fear of not be liked back. Maybe it was the fear of the heartbreak she would feel if he didn't like her. 

Maybe it was the fear that her feelings would push Wren away. That was the thought that scared her the most.

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