[26] - 9 AM Interior Design Class

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Wren's heart lurched when Mia appeared out of the hallway leading to the hospital rooms. He was sat in a surprisingly comfortable cushioned chair, his leg bouncing up and down uncontrollably. He was in his pajamas, although he hadn't slept a wink last night -- or the past week and a half for that matter -- and had even contemplated going without a shirt because of the time it would take to put it on.

His hair was disheveled, his fingers having run through it more time than he could count in the past hour that he's been here.

He rushed over here as soon as he had gotten the call from Mia. As soon as Mia uttered the word 'hospital' Wren's stomach was dropping and he immediately launched out of his bed.

Jules had collapsed at her 9 am interior design class while giving a presentation. Thankfully, as soon as Mia had told him that, she assured him that she was alright, just sleep deprived. Not caring about the distance that Jules had put between them, Wren rushed right over to the hospital and has been here ever since.

"You can see her now." Mia said with a smirk as she took in his disheveled state. Oh yeah, he loves her, alright, she thought.

Wren shot up out of his seat and started to walk back to the hall, but Mia grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Do you love her?"

It didn't take him any time at all to answer. "Yes."

Mia smiled at his words. "Good. Now go. Your girlfriend is waiting." She winked at him and released his arm.

Ignoring her words, Wren continued on down the hall, his steps hurried and eager to see the girl that he's been feeling withdrawal symptoms from. He didn't realize it until now. His insomnia had never been this bad. He liked to think that Jules' was never this bad either.

He stopped in front of her door and took a deep breath. His heart pounded in his chest, his fingers shook every so slightly, and he was starting to break out into a nervous sweat. Oh the things that love can do.

He took another deep breath before pushing open the door.

An exhausted looking Jules was curled up under the covers, flicking through channels on the TV. Dark bags weighed down her eyes, and her cheeks looked sunken in from lack of sleep. She looked a lot worse than Wren did.

Her eyes snapped to his when she heard the door open. Butterflies rose in her stomach as she took Wren in in all of his tall glory. He looked a bit worse for wear, but he still managed to look as hot as ever.

"Hey, spaceling."

At his words, her anxious butterflies transformed into a new kind, the tummy-tingling, anticipating one's that always made an appearance whenever Wren was around her.

Wren took a seat in the chair beside her bed. The Cleveland Show played in the background as Wren grabbed her hand.

"Haven't been sleeping, huh?" He asked.

Jules meekly shook her head. Wren's thumb brushed over her knuckles, and her body relaxed into the bed.

She sighed quietly to herself. "I'm sorry, Wren. I shouldn't have avoided you for so long."

Wren stayed quiet. Her apology didn't seem to ease his wonder any. He opened his mouth to speak, but shut it seconds after. It was Jules' turn to rub her thumb over the back of his hand, wordlessly encouraging him to speak.

"Why were you avoiding me? What did I do wrong?"

Jules' heart dropped at his words. Had he been blaming himself for her avoidance this whole time?

"Oh Wren, it's not your fault." She said, squeezing his hand. "I just...I needed to think...about things." She sighed. "I'll tell you soon. I promise."

Shortly after, she scooted over and patted the small space next to her. She turned over on her side. "Doc said that I can't leave until I get some sleep. So wanna help me out so I can get the hell out of his prison?"

Wren grinned and chuckled. After kicking off his shoes, he squeezed into the small space that was next to Jules. Jules wasted no time making up for lost time and curled into his chest, tangling her legs with his.

All of the tension left Wren's body at her touch, and he couldn't help but kiss the top of her head. Jules sighed in content.

Avoiding Wren had been the worst thing she had ever done.

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