Chapter 8

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We walk into the boys locker room in search of Chuck. "Veronica, Betty, Y/n?! What are you doing in here!?" Archie says as he almost drops his towel. "Don't worry about it" Veronica says Archie slightly steps in front of us "I mean it Andrews, hit the showers and stay out of my way." Veronica says shoving him back. "Huh. B, V," Chuck says "don't even look at me ass" I say.

"This is disgusting. Take it down." Veronica says showing him the phone. "Whoa, whoa why are you so wound up? It's a badge of honor and your not exactly virgin territory after your closet date with Andrews" Chuck continues, "Okay that is beyond irrelevant, Chuck. You aren't allowed to go humiliating girls for any reason under any circumstances! You...jerk!" Betty says. "Jerk is an understatement." I scoff. "Look, I get that your not a closet kind of girl but hey if you want to ride the Chuck wagon that can be arranged" Chuck says to Betty. "Chuck you are revolting" I say, "let's keep this simple, So that your preppy-murderer half-brain can grasp it. Take. This. The. Hell. Down." Veronica says.

"Okay that high tone, bitch attitude may have worked on the betas you dated in New York but your in bulldog territory. But please, fight back. You'll only make it harder on yourself. I mean I would expect this from y/n but you? Damn." Chuck says.

I walk up to Chuck slowly, Veronica steps back knowing that she wouldn't be able to stop me. I stand directly in front of him and stare up at his face. "You are a truly terrible person Chuck" I say. "Never talk to me or any of my friends EVER again" I say. "Your. A. Bitch. Y/n." He says wagging his finger in my face.

All the sudden I felt a burn in my stomach. Without thinking about consequences I slap Chuck as hard as I can creating a huge red mark on his face. "Lets go" Betty says grabbing my arm. We all leave the locker room in anger.


"And in that moment of hesitation, you're dead. All of you are dead." Dilton says to his scouts. "At ease Doiley" Jughead says "we're writing a article for the blue and gold, hoping you could help." He continues "dismissed, but stay close" Dilton says to his scouts. "Cheryl and Archie both say they heard a gunshot on July 4th but they don't know who fired." Jug continues. "Sheriff Keller already asked me about this." "And know we're asking you about it Doiley." I say cutting him off. "Well like I told him, my scouts and I didn't hear anything." Dilton continues, "you seem pretty tense Dilton." I say, "I'm fine!" He says obviously hiding something.

"Well did you see anything weird?" Jughead asks. "A white-winged crossbill, long eared owl. Oh and Cheryl sitting by the river soaking wet." Dilton says. Me and Jug walk away. "He's hiding something" I say, "Yeah definitely...I saw one of his scouts that looked pretty odd, maybe we can get something out of him." Jug says. "Sounds like a plan" I say.
"There he is" Jug says. "There who is?" I ask, "the scout that was looking at us weird" he says. I look over and she the scouts dad getting up. "C'mon" Jug says grabbing my hand and walking over to the scout. Jug goes over and takes the cherry off of his shake sitting across the booth from him while I stay standing. "Hey what the hell man?" The scout says.

"I saw the way you looked at us" Jug says "during grizzly training" I say. "Your hiding something." Jug says to him. "It's scoutmaster Doiley, he's lying" he says. "About what exactly?" I ask. "About the gunshot. It was him. He was teaching us how to shoot targets. "Wait Dilton Doiley shot the gun on July 4th?" Jug asks, "why?" I add. "He's a hardcore survivalist. He says that if we don't protect ourselves no one will." He finishes.

It makes me think of my mom, she never protected me. I had to protect me. "Well he's right" I say. "What?" Jughead asks looking at me. "Dilton. He's right. If you don't protect yourself no one will...thanks for the info" I say to the scout as I pull Jughead away.

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