Chapter 32

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1323 words

"What the FUCK did you guys do?!?" I yell.

They all stare at me with blank faces. "I really thought we were all good for once. No drama. No....this! But I guess not." I scoff. I begin to take off down the street to find Jug. The bottom of my dress is soaked from the fallen rain and I'm almost tripping with every step but I continue to run.

I'm not sure what Jughead will do and I don't want him to make any mistakes or do anything he would regret later. Soon enough he is out of sight. "DAMNIT!" I scream. Tears run down my face and mix with makeup and rainfall.

My breathing gets heavy and I stand there not knowing what to do. I look around and see the dark road only lit with street lights.

Where would Jug go? What would HE do? Where would he go to escape the world...pops!

I begin to make my way to pops going as fast as my legs could carry me, which wasn't very fast at this point.

I walk in to pops, breath heavy as I trudge  along. "Y/n, hey what can I get you...?" Pop says a little confused at the moment. "Can you get me a Jughead?" I ask, "ahh your looking for him too huh?" Pop says, "too?" I ask and Pops points to a table behind me.

I turn on my heel and see Veronica, Archie, and Betty sitting at a table. "Oh hell no." I say backing up. "I'm not talking to you guys. No way." I scoff. "No Y/n it's important please." Betty says.

"We were gonna call you." Archie says. "Well that sucks because I don't wanna talk to you." I say my eyes glossed over and tears on my face. "It's about Jughead." Archie says and I breathe in.

"Kevin called me. He said his dad found a gun, the gun that killed Jason, in a lockbox in Fp's closet." Veronica says, "but Y/n, we searched Fp's trailer." Archie says, "we looked through that closet." Veronica adds, "and there was no lockbox. Someone put it there after we left. He's being framed." Archie says.

My chest tightens even more and my eyes flutter, my mouth agape.


"I think we should talk to sheriff Keller." Betty says. "No. But until we talk to our parents." Archie says. "So you wanna tell your...parents that you broke into Fp's trailer are you stupid?" I ask, "my dad will know what to do." Archie says.

"Well I don't have any parents and I didn't break into anywhere But I DO have a boyfriend to find so I will be looking for him. Have fun asking mommy and daddy for help." I say and I leave the diner.

I run over to my apartment which was only a couple blocks away and I run up the stairs to my floor. I take the key from under the mat and slowly unlock my door, walking quietly into my apartment. "Jughead!? You in here??" I yell. No answer. I search the rooms one by one. No Jughead. I sit on the couch and breath in and out. Tears fall from my eyes and soon I'm balling.

Hotdog comes over and lays on me, trying to comfort me. Hotdog! I jump up and run to the bedroom, grabbing a shirt of Jughead's. I hold it up to the dogs nose while I put a collar on him. I leave the apartment with the dog and the shirt. I run out of the building and the cold air hits my face. I hold the shirt up to the dog again.

"Come one boy, find Jughead." I say and the dog just looks up at me. "Yeah this isn't working..." I say disappointed. I tie the dog to something and run back up to my apartment, throwing the shirt back in my room. I run back outside and untie hotdog.

I run down the street and after about 15 minutes I make it to Betty's. I run up to my car and open the door. I had left it unlocked. I reach into the glove compartment and get my keys. I open the other door and let the dog get in. After closing the passenger seat door I run over to the drivers seat and get it, slamming the door.

I start the car but Archie, Veronica, Betty and all their parents run out of Archie's house. Damnit they heard me!

"Y/n! Wait!" Fred calls. I drive a little forward to meet them as they walk out. "What?" I say annoyed. "Where the hell are you going?" Alice asks, "and what's with the mutt?" Hermione asks, "I'm dog sitting. And I'm looking for my boyfriend." I say

"Listen we know you're angry but come in the house and talk." Fred says, a little bit more gentle now. "Why? Why would I do that?! I'm gonna look for Jughead. And I'm going to find him. Unlike you guys who are gonna sit here and make some sort of plan the will probably end up backfiring anyways." I say speeding off.

I go to Sunnyside trailer park to see Fp's trailer door open, police tape that was obviously over the door was ripped open. I get out of the car with the dog and run into the trailer.

"JUG?!?" I yell, no response. I look around to see everything destroyed. The table was collapsed and looked like it had been hit....he was here....

I sigh and leave the trailer, getting back in the car.


"Okay hotdog, I'm gonna bring you home..." I say petting the sleeping dogs head as we drive down the road. I wake him up as we get to the apartment building. We walk up the stairs and I bring the dog into my apartment. I take him off the leash and quickly put him some food and water. After I'm done I rush out of the apartment and get back my Jeep.

I slowly drive down the roads of Riverdale aimlessly looking fo him, still in my dress. I drive by what appeared to be an empty pops. I look in all the windows until I see a head looking out the window...JUG!

My tires screech as I very suddenly turn into the pops. I park and run in, "Love! There you are..." I whisper yell and I go over to his table. I place a hand on his shoulder.

He doesn't move.

"Juggie...I'm so sorry. But you have to believe me, I didn't know. You know I would've told you. I love you, I would never purposefully hurt you..." I say, Jug looks at me with hurt in his eyes. "...I...believe you Y/n..." he says.

I kiss his cheek and feel one of Jughead's tears hit my face. He grabs my hands and I press my forehead against his. We both close our eyes and enjoy the silence of the diner for a couple seconds.

All the sudden the bell chimes, I lift my head and look over to see Veronica, Archie, and Betty enter the diner. Jughead looks out the window again.

"Told you." Veronica says walking over to us, Archie and Betty trailing behind her. Betty comes and sits across from us. Archie makes his way to the end of the table and Veronica stays where she is standing.

"Jug," Archie says, "Jug, we're so sorry, about everything." Betty says, "Juggie, we screwed up. We all did. Breaking into your dads trailer was wrong, but at least some good came out of it." Archie says,

"I'm pretty sure my dad was just arrested for murder." Jughead scoffs. "...that gun wasn't there when we searched his trailer. Someone put it there after we left."

Yes I know this one was shorter I'm sorryyyyy

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