Chapter 15

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I heard the door open and I shot my head up from where it had been resting on my knees. "Y/n?" I heard a voice say. It was Veronica. "listen *first letter of your name* I saw you run in here...and I think I know why. We all saw them flirting  It wasn't just you and it's not okay. I came out from my hiding spot and melted into Veronica's welcoming arms. " I just  l-love him so much and he loves h-her m-more. And he a-always will." I say into Veronica's shoulder.

"No! Don't say that. Yes he might be flirting with Betty a little but the way he looks at her and the way he looks at you. They don't even compare. He. Loves. You." she says taking me out of her arms and gripping my shoulders. "And you can't worry about him right now. You have to worry about you. And the variety show. Okay?" she says.

"Okay" I say wiping my eyes and giving her a final hug before walking out of the locker room. We walk back out to the table through the empty halls. We still had about 20 minutes of lunch.


"Hey you guys are back," Betty says smiling. I could tell she wasn't happy I was back. "Yeah. I am." I say. Veronica just rolls her eyes. I could tell that Kevin had been irritated for a while at their behavior.

"So what? Are you both auditioning for a play where you play husband and wife or are you just completely oblivious to the fact that y/n is standing right there." Kevin says causing me to tear up a little. Kevin just puts his hand on mine. "Y/n is my best friend you don't think she told me when you, Jughead, got mad at her for HUGGING Archie after something VERY traumatic happened to her and she just needed a friend while you were  busy hanging out with Betty." Kevin continues.

"Kev you don't have to," "No this just isn't right! At all. I'm so done with watching you hold your feelings in when you're obviously hurting. We all see it." Kevin sys interrupting me. I look around the table and everyone's nodding.

"O-Okay guys it's not okay to put us on the spot like this." Jughead says putting his hand on Betty's back. "Are you kidding me Jug?" I say in a small voice looking down at the table.

Just then Betty runs away, Jughead following her. "I'm so so sorry about them y/n" Archie says. I slowly trudged over to where Kevin was sitting and I sit next to him where there wasn't room before because of Betty and Jughead.

"I don't know why he would be acting like this." Veronica says. "The worst part is, is that I have to ho back to him tonight and act like everything is fine." I say. "What?" Veronica says..."Oh nothing, hey can we hang out after school V? We don't have to do anything special..." I say.

"Of course we can." Veronica says. "Thanks Ronnie" I say smiling at her, even though everyone could obviously tellin was still sad.


"Hey so what did you want to do today?" I ask while we get in my Jeep."Well I was planning on surprising my mom at work but we don't have to do that" Veronica says. "No thats totally cool" I say. We drive down to the nearest flower shop and pick up some beautiful red flowers for Mrs. Lodge.

We park at Andrews construction and begin to walk up to the small trailer with the "Andrew's Construction". "So are you excited that your mom is working here now?" I ask, "Yeah she really needed a..." Veronica says "Needed a what V?" I ask. She just continues to look up at the trailer. I finally lift my head up to find Fred and Hermione kissing inside of the trailer.

"V I'm so sorry..." I say. "Do you wanna just go back to my house?" Veronica asks. "Whatever you want Ronnie." I say. "Well I'll tell you what I don't want. It's to be watching my mom, who is married by the way, making out with Fred Andrews." she says. "I hear that" I say. "Come on let's go then" I say trying to sound comforting.

We turn around and head back to my car. "Listen V...if you wanna talk about it I'm here." I say. "Its fine. It's gonna be fine. I'm just worried about what daddy will do when he gets back..." she says as we get in the car, "Ronnie as much as I would love to hang out right now....I think you need some time, by yourself, do you want me to take you home?" I ask, "please. I'm so sorry F/I (first initial) but I think you're right...I need some time." she says


"Alright V. I will see you later" I say giving Veronica a hug over the seat before she gets out of the car and enters the Pembroke. I begin to drive off not knowing where to go. I didn't want to go back to school. I didn't want to see Jug right now.

I drive to pops hoping to work an extra shift (so I did mention a few chapters that y/n worked at pops but I realized that there were no scenes where y/n was actually working so sorry here's one ¯\_()_/¯ ) 

"hey pops" I say as I walk in the door. "Y/n what can I do for you?" pop asks. "Well it looks pretty busy in here" I say looking around at the full tables. "Mind if I work an extra shift?" I ask. "Please, I need some help around here" he says chuckling. I grab my apron and start to deliver milkshakes and clean tables.


"Y/n it's 11 pm (23:00 in 24 hour time) you can go if you want." pop says as he wipes down the bar. "I will clock out but can I stay? Just as a customer?" I ask taking my apron off and putting on a hook with everyone else's.

"Of course you can" pop says. I go to a table and sit down opening my laptop. Might as well watch some YouTube. I put in my headphones and begin to watch a video (preferably Dan and Phil but you can choose)

"so what can I get you?" pop says approaching my table, "just a coffee please" I say. "You got it kid" he says leaving. I check my phone to see 5 texts from Jug asking where I was. 'I'm with a friend' I text back before putting my phone in my bag again. Tonight's gonna be a long night.

Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading! I'm sorry that this chapter kinda sucked but I just wanted to post something. Thank you so much for 550 reads!!! It's been a rough week for me and seeing that made me so so sooooo much happier!!! Love you guys!!!!! ❤️

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