Chapter 16

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After hours and hours of watching YouTube in a dim lit diner the familiar sound of pops bell rang signaling that someone had walked in the door. I looked up to see Jughead, my boyfriend, slowly stepping into the diner. He scanned the tables until he found me and started to walk towards me.

"Y/n. Thought I'd find you here." He says sliding into the booth next to me. "Yeah...I'm here." I say. "Did I do something? You've been distant." He says. "Seriously Jug?" I say irritated. "You have been flirting with Betty non stop!" I say. "Y/n I....I didn't mean to..." he says backing out of the booth cautiously. "Didn't mean to what Jughead?!" I ask also standing up. "I didn't know I had...." he says not able to spit out his words.

" You have feelings for her don't you..." I say my face sinking. "I.." he says tearing up. "I'm so sorry..." he says his breath hitching. "Don't." I say pushing past him and going into the bathroom. I walk in front of one of the mirrors and just started at myself. Betty is so much better than me. So much prettier. Perfect family. Perfect life. Perfect girl next door. I am just a broken girl. He could never love me. I start to cry before calling Kevin.

(On the phone)

Hey Kev sorry it's late

No it's fine what's up

I need a place to s-stay for tonight...can I please come over?

Of course you can

Thank you I will be there soon.

(End of conversation)

I wipe away my tears and try to make myself look a bit more presentable before leaving the bathroom and going out to my car. I start up the engine and begin to drive to Kevin's.


"Thanks again Kev." I say sitting on his bed with him. "Yeah of course...hey since you were emancipated where have you been staying?" He asks. "I-I-I have been staying at an abandoned janitors closet..." I sat looking down. "Oh my god Y/n!! I'm gonna talk to my dad about letting you stay here...of course he will say yes because he loves you." Kevin says.

"Kevin that would be a dream come true!" I say. "Yeah of course! It would be so much fun!" he says. Maybe things are looking up.


I wake up to Kevin's alarm going off. I had slept on the floor of his room. "Morning!" he says already dressed. He had told me before that he usually wakes up before his alarm. "Hey...Kev..." I say still waking up. "So....guess what!" he says, "what?" I ask. "My Dad says you can stay here!" he  yells "OH MY GOSH KEVIN THAT'S GREAT!!!" I say jumping up and hugging him.

I quickly run down the stairs and into the kitchen where sheriff Keller is sitting. I go up and hug him tightly. "Thank you so much!!!!!" I say to him. "Anything for my second child." he says chuckling and hugging back.

Hey guysssss I know this was really really REALLY short but it uploaded when I was still writing so I didn't get to finish the chapter...

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