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First of all I want to thank you for searching this story. It means a lot to me.

Okay let's clarify some things out:

1. Thanks to my friend who made the cover for this story, spent her time for making it and supporting me. This story won't be made without her help. It took maybe a month of making the cover because of school and artist block. As a sign of thanks to her, please subscribe to her channel in YT and follow her on wattpad, it will mean a lot to her.

2. I don't own anything but the story itself. Undertale, Gravity Falls and SVTFOE belong to their respective owners.

UT- Toby Fox

SVTFOE- Daron Nefcy

Gravity Falls - Alex Hirsch

3. This story came from my imagination. The title also came from my imagination. I know some stories are also called The Crossover but the content is different. It has different settings, plot, etc. 

I might change the character's age and traits, but not completely. I'll just change them a little and change some events instead of the events in the show/game. 

4. This is already finish.
     * A little warning for you. The story is cringey. You're free to judge my writing.
I'm not going to be mad because me myself don't like the plot and writing. But I will not edit it because I'm lazy.
Though it's up to you if you want to read this cringey story or not. Who am I to stop you, right?

I guess that's all I need to say. Hope you enjoy my story. And don't forget to share and vote my story to your friends (if you want to) so it can have many reads. THANKS!

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