25- Still Looking

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Lizzie's POV

It's our last day here and Cristel hasn't been found yet. We're really worried about her, especially me. I cry every time I remember her. I can't lose her. She's my best friend and she's the only friend I can only trust in our school and now she's gone? I don't know what to do.

We asked the townfolks if they saw her, even the Northwests and Gleefuls, but they didn't know who she is. I started to have a feeling that she's hurt or... worse.

My friends are concern in my state and start worrying about me too, but I always tell them that I'm fine and they don't need to worry.

Currently, we're still looking for her. We split up and search the parts of the forests where we haven't been. They are all in pair while I search on my own. I used to be scared of being alone, but now, I always want to be alone. I'm more comfortable with just silence around me.

As I'm walking by, I see an abandoned church, I think. I walk inside and find that all the things are broken. But what caught my eyes the most is the hole in the middle. I don't know what's inside, but the curiosity get the better of me, so I peek. The bottom can be seen, but it's too deep. I decided that I should look somewhere else than to risk my life there. But Cristel might be there.

I quickly run outside and call for them. Thankfully, my voice is loud enough for them to hear.

"Why'd you call us?" Dipper asks.

"I saw this abandoned church and there's a hole at the middle. Maybe she's there," I point to the said broken building.

"Uhm, how abou--" "We should check it out!" Star cuts Dipper off.

She runs there and looks into the hole. We follow her and also peek there.

"We already went here, and it's kinda dangerous inside if you ask me," Dipper informs, worried about the idea of going in.

"Maybe she's there," Star insists.

"Maybe we should not, there's a bunch of dinosaurs trapped there," Dipper says.

"Really? I've never seen one!" She exclaims. She summons a cloud with eyes and a mouth. She sits on it and goes inside.

"Wait, Star!" Marco shouts, but she's already at the bottom. She looks at us and shouts back, "Hey, you should go down here! There's a huge cave entrance here!"

"Just get back here!" Marco shouts again.

"Not until I see all the dinosaurs," Star then disappears within the darkness.

"How are we going to go down there?" I ask, worry lacing my tone.

"We'll find a rope. I'm kinda curious what the dinos look like," Frisk replies.

"I have one," Asriel says. We look at him surprised. How did he find that so quickly?

"Uh, where'd you find that?" Frisk asks, somehow confused.

"I found this while we were walking. I don't know to whom this thing belongs, so I decided to keep it. But it's not that strong enough to hold all of us, so maybe pair by pair?"

He searches for a thing where to tie the end. After he's done, he drops the remains into the hole.

"Who will go first?" He asks.

"Me!" I chirp and quickly cover my mouth because of embarrassment.

I don't know why I said that. Maybe I'm just excited to see Cristel again.

"Okay, go now." He commands. I take ahold of the rope and start descending. The rope is not that long, so I jump onto the ground.

"You can go down now!" I shout to them.

As we're all here now, we hear a noise coming from inside. We quickly run there and see Star fighting a Pterodactyl. It's huge if you're going to compare it into a human size. We run to a place where we can not be seen.

"Can she beat that creature all by herself?" Dipper asks.

"Yes of course. She's stronger then you think. I'm sure of it." Marco assures.

We watch the scene. Star summons spells every now and then. There will be times where the Pterodactyl flies around and mess around, but she will quickly summon a spell and it will hit the creature.

After the fight has finished, Star beats down the huge creature. It's still moving, so we put to a place where it can't get out.

"How did you encounter that creature?" Mabel asks.

"Well, I'm just walking around and looking at the dinosaurs. Suddenly, it started attacking me. I didn't do anything wrong to it. Maybe I distracted its home, but I wasn't making any noises. Maybe a little, but it's not the loud." Star explains.

"Have you seen any sign of Cristel here?" I ask, hoping that she saw her.

"Unfortunately, no. I didn't see her, but we can go deeper in this place." Star suggests. What she said makes me sad again but still hoping we can find her.

We start to walk inside. We see caves and search inside each. I'm all alone while the others are with their partners. I enter the cave I'm assigned and see a nest with a small version of Pterodactyl. It looks at my direction, so I quickly run to the side to hide there. Thankfully, there's a barrier where I can hide. I sit behind it shakingly. I hope they will go here.

I peek out to see if it's looking away now. I sigh in relief that it's doing its own business already. I stand up and start walking away quietly. Suddenly, I hear a squeak. I turn to look at it and see an upcoming baby pterodactyl. I start running away as fast as I can and scream for help.

Dipper's POV

We are outside the cave we went in. There was nothing there but a dead end, same for the others.

"Hey guys, you heard something?" Frisk asks.

"Yeah," Marco says.

Again, the voice screams. It's Lizzie's!


We run to the voice's direction and see a small version of a pterodactyl chasing Lizzie. She runs into Asriel and falls on the ground. I see a small blush creeps on her face. They quickly stand up and dust themselves. Lizzie mumbles a sorry then looks at the Pterodactyl who's fighting Star and Marco.

"Why doesn't she use her magic?" I ask Mabel.

"I don't know. Maybe it's drained out?" she replies.

After they make the creature flee, we start walking back to where the hole was located.

"Wait, aren't we going to go deeper into this place?" Lizzie asks.

"I think that's enough for today. And besides, I doubt that Cristel can be here. There's nothing in here but those creatures." I respond to her.

"Can we at least check it out?" she asks once again.

I look at Mabel. She just smiles and nods.

"Alright, let's make it quick though. Tomorrow's your leave and you need to rest." I say in defeat.

"Thank you, Dipper. Thank you so much," Lizzie takes both my hands and shakes them with enthusiasm. I smile at her genuinely.

"Let's go!" she exclaims then start going in the cave again.

I hope she's here or else our work will be wasted.

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