29- Attack!

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Dipper's POV

"I hope this invention of mine will work," McGucket says.

As if on cue, I pull down the lever that activates the invention we made. The shack is shaky at first but stays calm once it is settled. It starts walking toward the pyramid where Grunkle Ford is.

Grunkle Stan was right, the survivors went to the shack while we were planning. Most were confused about why our friends were here but others didn't care, like Pacifica. We talked about how we're going to raid in Bill's castle and how we're going to distract him. I'm pretty sure his allies are going to attack us first and he will be the last. I don't know for Cristel though. I think she'll just stay in the castle, or did Bill already tortured her after getting what he wanted? I don't give a damn. It's her life, not mine.

"Bill's allies!" A voice shouts from behind. I look outside and see that they transform into a bigger one.

"Is it time?" Star asks, readying her wand.

"Let's see what they will do first," I answer.

Soos walks out of the shack and speaks through the microphone outside. After his speech, the monsters start attacking us. I give Star her cue. Marco follows from behind her, but I stop him.

"Are you sure you can handle those kinds of monsters?" I ask, holding his shoulder.

"I already fought monsters before, what's the difference in that?" He smiles. "Don't worry. I'm sure we can handle ourselves."

I let go of his shoulder and goes back to where I was standing and shout:

"Okay guys, just like we planned!"

Third Person's View

As what Dipper's POV said, the monsters started attacking them. Star runs outside the shack, Marco trailing behind.

"Rainbow Fist Punch!" Star shouts when a teeth monster runs near them. The attack sends the monster flying away from them.

The bat-eyes fly towards the shack. Marco punches one and pulls its wings to use its power against the green monster. He jumps beside Star and the bat-eye falls on the ground.

Sans goes at the back porch. He summons bone attacks to a flying diamond with a top hat, but it quickly dodges his attack, so he summons gaster blaster from behind it which leads the flying creature to get knocked down. Another creature with a keyhole on its head goes towards his direction. He does what he did to the previous monster he attacked.

The shack, with the help of the people inside, punches the incoming pink monster and the one with the pacifier on its stomach. The only one left is the huge one.

It butts the shack that leads the mortals to fall on the ground. Sans at the back porch almost fall, but he manages to teleport inside the shack. The two in front gets shocked by the sudden action. Star summons a spell where it can protect them. The people inside give their best to fight back. The legs of the shack manage to stop from sliding backward.

"Everybody, maximum power!" Mabel shouts. The five members of Sev'ral Timez run as fast as they can. Then, Dipper turns the wheel that tosses the huge monster far away from them.


"Seriously guys? You have one job," Bill says, massaging(?) his eyes.

"What? You think they can handle them?" Chara smirks.

"Shut it. I will do it by myself," Bill turns into his large form.

"Hey! What am I going to do here?" Chara shouts as Bill goes out of the castle.

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