3) moonlight

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"can i take the blindfold off now?" noah stopped at a red light, while you whined about the fabric covering your eyes.

"nope." he chuckled, denying your request once again. "c'mon we've been driving forever."

"it's been like twenty minutes." he furrowed his eyebrows at you and steeped in the gas again seeing the traffic light turn green. a huff escaped your lips as you leaned your head onto the window.

"don't worry, babe. we're almost there." he smiled, placing the hand he wasn't steering with on your lap. you sighed, placing your hand on top of his and waiting impatiently to get to your destination.

.. :*° later.. :*°

a couple of minutes later you felt the car finally park, allowing you to know that you had arrived. "finally!" noah chuckled, "don't take the blindfold of just yet."

"but, we're here aren't we? please, i really don't like not having one of my senses." he shook his head at you, getting out of the car and walking to your side. he opened the door for you and helped you out of the vehicle, leading the way.

you felt the sod grass underneath your shoes, "where are we?" you questioned. "just wait, and you'll see." another smile formed on noah's face as he held your hand tighter.

"okay," you heard him sigh, releasing your hand and untying the blindfold. "open your eyes." you blinked a couple of times, letting your eyes adjust to your surroundings.

noah smiled as he watched you, face now written over with amazement. you were now on a hill, no city lights around you. a blanket was spread out on the grass, near a tree and the stars shine done on a bottle of champagne.

"what's this for?" you asked, "nothing, just remembered you told me you had always wanted to star-gaze on a field." he shrugged, "i mean it's not a meadow full of flowers, but it's something." you grabbed his hand in yours, "it's beautiful." you whisper, reaching up to kiss him.

he lead you towards the blanket, making you sit next to him. opening up the champagne he poured a glass for you and one for himself. the two of you watched the stars and the moon, not talking but just enjoying each others company.

"star-gazing was a good idea." you whisper, "i'm glad you're enjoying it." he grins. "i'll enjoy anything as long as you're with me." you smile, placing your hand on top of his.

"you look beautiful in the moonlight." you look down, smiling at noah's comment. with his finger, he grabs your chin turns you to look at him. "don't hide." he laughs, making you laugh along with him.

"can––can i tell you something?" you nod at his question, "i, uh, i think i love you." you're gaze parts from the sky and lands on noah. "wait, not think. i know i love you. i really do y/n/n." there's a moment of silence before you start laughing, stopping when you realize what he had actually just told you.

"oh. oh!" you place down your glass on the light, green earth. "you're serious?" once again his hands grab yours, "of course i am." you wrap your arms around his neck, "i love you too." you smile.

your lips soon connect with his own, moving perfectly in sync. once you two separate your foreheads lean against each others.

the both of you sit there, crickets chirping all around you as you continue watching the stars.

𝐧𝐨𝐚𝐡 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. ✓Where stories live. Discover now