7) drunk, ii.

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it had been a few days since you had last seen noah, you were almost ashamed to say that you missed him. you're friend had told you that you did the right thing by giving yourself a place and leaving him, your mind knew she was right but your heart still couldn't comprehend it.

you sat criss crossed on the patio couch, your laptop opened as you typed away the last sentences of your research paper. you had found it hilarious that you were majoring in addictions counseling, yet you couldn't get noah to understand that alcohol wasn't good for him after nearly two years of being together.

"y/n," f/n stepped out through the glass doors and out into the backyard. "someone's at the door for you." she singsonged, making your
(e/c) eyes roll. "tell him i'm not here." you sighed while running a hand through your hair.

"don't you think i've tried. y/n you've known this mad for more than ten years, he knows what you do when you don't want to see someone." silence took over the atmosphere, "at least go tell him you don't want to see him. y/n/n i know i told you he doesn't deserve you, and he doesn't, but he looks horrible even worse than you do. i know the two of you love each other more than you love yourselves. just try to talk it out with him."

you nod, placing your macbook on the table in front of you along with all your papers and your textbook. sliding on your slides you make your way into the house and towards the front door.

immediately after hearing the footsteps on the brown floor tiles, noah's gaze looks up to meet yours. dark bags form under his beautiful hazel eyes, his hair a mess and wearing a black
t-shirt with gray sweatpants. "y/n." he whispers, entering the room.

"hey, i said stay outside." f/n sighs, you turn to look at her questioning her words. "fine, you can come in." noah hesitates before fully entering the house, you walk towards the couch and take a seat.

he seats himself next to you, "what do you want?" your question came out sounding ruder than you had intended it to, but you wanted to get right to the point of his visit.

"y/n i know i haven't been the best boyfriend in the world for the past month, and i know that blaming my stress for all of this isn't going to make it any better of an excuse. i truly do love you y/n, with all of my fucking heart. and i never though that i would get to say that to anyone, i never would of thought that i'd be loving anyone as much as i love you, but i do. i am so, so, so sorry for everything that i've done to hurt you. i'm sorry for not listening to you when you told me i should stop with three drinks, i'm sorry for ever putting my hands on you for any other reason that showing you affection, i'm sorry for all of it. and i know that you're mad at me right now, but i can't wait any longer y/n." you're eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as noah got up from his place in the couch.

pulling out something from the pocket of his sweats he walks closer to you, "i've been carrying this around for months, waiting for the right moment. and i'll tell you: there is no right moment. so i'm just going to ask you right now." he gets down on one knee, and your eyes widen. f/n squeals from her place in the kitchen as she watches the scene in front of her unfold.

"when we first met we hated each other y/n/n, you even told me you used to dream about me getting hit by a yellow cab. but when we first kissed at that party during spin the bottle, everything changed. i mean, imagine how we'd feel about that now." you chuckled, tears now forming in your eyes. "you make me a better person y/n, and i want you to keep showing me things, i want us to keep growing together for the rest of our lives." a tear now makes its way down your cheek, noah reaching over to wipe it away with his thumb. "y/n y/l/n will you do me the honor of marrying me?" he smiled.

before answering his question, which made f/n frustrated you questioned him yourself, "i thought you said you didn't want to get married." you giggle.

he laughed, shaking his head "i always thought marriage was a dead end, but...with you, I think it's worth a shot."

you needed no more time to process what had happened, or to think about your answer. nodding your head you finally answered, "yes, of course i'll marry you."

he slide the ring into your finger, kissing you after. "i promise you, i'll stop with the drinking." he mumbles, you nod placing your lips on his once again.

f/n yelps out in excitement, running towards where the two of you were. "finally!" you both laughed at her reaction, watching her pull out her phone.

"babe, guess what!? noah finally proposed to
y/n," you looked at noah, both of you shaking your head at her. "yeah i know right, it only took y/n breaking up with him." f/n disappeared into another room, leaving you and noah alone.

"i love you so much y/n."

"i love you more."

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