9) objection

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y/i = your initials


i had been trying to find the girl from my yearbooks since we graduated senior year. you obviously don't know who i'm talking about, duh. well a couple of months ago when i costed my parents i was rummaging through some old boxes when i found, you guessed it, my highschool yearbooks.

i had gotten two yearbooks, one junior year and one senior year. and in both of them there was a poem, same handwriting, same initials,
y/i. i looked through the entire yearbook trying to figure out who those initials belonged to, but there were far to many that matched.

i was sure she had been in my grade, if not a year younger. and i'm convinced i knew her, and now i'm 100% sure i'm completely i love with her.

one of the poems had been:

whose heart is that? i think I know.
its owner is quite happy though.
full of joy like a vivid rainbow,
i watch him laugh. i cry hello.

he gives his heart a shake,
and laughs until her belly aches.
the only other sound's the break,
of distant waves and birds awake.

the heart is lovely, gorgeous and deep,
But he has promises to keep,
after cake and lots of sleep.
sweet dreams come to him cheap.

he rises from his gentle bed,
with thoughts of kittens in his head,
he eats his jam with lots of bread.
ready for the day ahead.


after days and nights of searching for her i had finally gotten a clue, ruling it down to three girls. i had noticed how she wrote, spoke through her words, and doodled figures on the side of the poem. this girl had to have been in my art class.

i searched all three of them on the internet, not in a weird stocker way, and had asked their some of their mutual friends if they knew anything about the poems. thankfully someone said they did, raniya, y/n y/l/n's best friend.

she had told me that y/n had a major crush on me in highschool, but that she gave up on it two weeks before graduation. she said y/n had realized she had no shot, i was mr.popular and she was just a stranger in the halls.

however, even if it took me a minute or two, i remembered her. h/l, h/c hair, soft e/c eyes, and a smile to die for. she was quiet, super shy, and i somehow found that intimidating about her.

i was follow y/n on instagram, but i asked her friend if she was in a relationship before i messaged her. you're probably wondering what she said huh?

well, here i am now, suit and tie, running three miles to the church. apparently y/n had met the love of her life in college, and her wedding was the saturday after i found her. raniya, not being a fan of her fiancé, helped me come up with a plan to win her love.

unfortunately my car decided to break down in the middle of the highway, leaving me no other choice but to run as fast as i could. on the way there i got multiple text messages from raniya, telling me to hurry up.

"if anyone would like to object speak now or forev-" before the priest could speak any further i burst through the doors.

"i object!" out of breath i bent down with my head above my heart, not wanting to pass out. "i object." everyone in the church stares at me with wide eyes, including y/n, while i try to regain control of my breathing.

i walk forward towards y/n, she looked so beautiful in her white wedding dress. "noah? what-"

"who the hell is he?" her fiancé interjects, "it's an old...friend." she responds, looking at everyone around the church. "what are you doing here noah? how'd you know i was getting married today?"

"just please, don't marry this guy and i will explain everything." the air is filled with silence , "please." i whisper. "y/n, you're not going to let him–"

"i'm sorry aaron, i can't marry you." she replies, her eyes steady on me. the guests gasp, but before anyone can say anything she grabs my hand and walks us out of the church.

"why are you here?"

"y/n, listen. it's a weird, long story that i don't want to waste your time with. so the best way to summarize it is that i found your poems in the yearbook, tracked you down, and raniya helped me with the rest. y/n, i'm sorry if i made you feel like i didn't know who you were or like you didn't exist. i'm real sorry, but i am in love with you. i completely understand if your feelings for me are gone–"

"they've never left, noah. why'd you think i was marrying a guy i met literally two months ago? i thought that would help me stop thinking of you." she chuckled, once again taking my hand in hers.

i smiled, "but, i'm going to need sometime to think about this. then maybe we can go on a date, i might not have been in love with aaron, but i did love him. and i can't just start dating someone when i just walked away from an alter."

i nodded, "you're right, i'll give you as much time as you need."

"thank you." she stands up on her tippy toes, kissing my cheek.

"now, uhm, my parents paid a very expensive reception and i and don't want it to go to waste. would you like to go get wasted with me and a couple other friends?" i laughed, "of course i would."

𝐧𝐨𝐚𝐡 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. ✓Where stories live. Discover now