11) rescue

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short, but necessary.

"hello?" you picked up your phone, answering it while you sat on the white leathered living room couch. "y/n, hey baby, i need a favor." you recognized noah's voice, what you didn't recognize was the number he was calling from.

"with what? whose phone are you using?" you ask, clicking through the channels on the tv. "uh, the police department. i kind of need you to come bail me out." your eyes widened and you muted the television. "what the hell did you do?" a sigh was heard from the other side of the line.

"i was vandalizing a billboard." he muttered, causing your face to turn from a concerned to a 'what the fuck' look in seconds. "you did WHAT?" holding back laughter cause you knew this was serious, you grabbed your car keys and slipped on your shoes.

"you heard me the first time y/n, just please come bail me out. it stinks in here." he whines, "centineo, you had ten minutes and they're up!" you hear what you assume to be a police officer yell at your boyfriend. "oh, you owe me big time for this."

you drive down to the department, thinking about possible reasons why noah would even consider vandalizing a billboard for. finally arriving, you unbuckle your seatbelt and grab your purse.

you walk inside, officers running around and people reporting things everywhere. "hi i'm here to bail out noa–" the officer points you towards the sleeping figure of your boyfriend. you let out a sigh, pulling out your money and paying the due fine.

"any idea why he was vandalizing that billboard with street art, mrs.centineo?" you laugh, "i'm not his wife, and i have absolutely no idea why he would even think of it." he nods in understandment, and you walk over towards noah.

wacking him behind his head he wakes up instantly, wincing at the pain of the handcuff around his wrist. the officer removes them and tells him he's free to go.

"would you care to explain what the hell you were thinking?" he rubs the back of his neck as he follows you towards the car. he pulls out his now returned cellphone, "it wasn't finish, but it was for our one year anniversary." he smiled while he shows you a picture of the billboard.

it's a beautiful design with vibrant colors, some of your art being used for it. "i used some of your art to make it better, and i was going to ad our initials." you smile, looking at the picture then at him.

"even though this is technically stealing an artists art," you speak "i appreciate it. you went through all this trouble for me, not to mention you got arrested, you are truly the net boyfriend ever to exist noah centineo." you giggle, your right hand placed on his cheek.

he leans into your cheek, "sorry, and i would only do it for you."

𝐧𝐨𝐚𝐡 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. ✓Where stories live. Discover now