4) liquor store

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y'all, i'm sorry if you don't like checkers and rallys.

a sigh left your lips, as your fingers tangled into your hair and your right hand flipped the magazine page. now you absolutely knew more about leonardo dicaprio than you did about yourself, it was the issue of this weeks copy after all.

you pressed the home button on the cellphone that lay on the counter next to the gum, 5:45pm. you went back to reading the article, to focused on the words in front of you the soft ding from the door startled you. you looked up for a couple of seconds, seeing a tall, handsome man walk in. he looked at you, raising his hand in a waving manner and you smiled in reply.

your gaze once again fell to the paper on the counter, and you flipped the page again. "uhm, excuse me do you have any vodka?" looking up you were now face to face with the male who had walked in minutes earlier, a pack of beer now in his hand. "yeah, i'm sure we do let me check the back real quick." he nodded as he leaned up against the counter and watched you walk towards the door with an 'employees only' sign.

walking out you carried two crates of vodka, placing all of them on the opposite side of the counter from where you had been seated earlier. he grabbed two off of the beige colored crate, and walked back towards the cash register along with you.

"y/n/n, you're shift end in 10!" you mentally cheer, hearing your co-worker yell from the back room.

"alright!" you reply, going back to helping the man at the counter.

"can i also get a pack of cigarettes, please?" you tapped in the first two bottles of vodka, hearing the barcode scanner beep. "sure, marlboro?" you ask, touching the white and red box.

"yeah." beeping through his beers and cigarettes you place them all into two bags, leaving the cigarettes out of course. "so, you having a party tonight or something?" you ask, waiting for him to stop the search for his cash.

"uh, no actually." you furrowed your brows at his response while he handed you his card. being the nosy person you are you decided to continue your conversation with the stranger, "so then, is there any reason as to why you're getting drunk on a tuesday afternoon?"

you swiped the card, and tapped the pin pad signaling for him to place in his PIN number and sign. "i just don't want to think for a while." he sighed.

"hmm, ever tried a walk? or maybe even a drive? i mean you are in malibu, the sunsets are even more beautiful when you're outside and not drinking your problems away."

"never really thought about it, you should be a bartender." he grins.

you shrug, smiling at him and handing him his card back. "so, are you gonna save all that liquor for when you actually have a party?" you question, quirking an eyebrow.

"i don't know, not really feeling like driving right now. i actually walked here." placing his card back into his wallet he grabbed his bags from the counter.

"well," you dragged out the 'l' looking around the empty store "i'm out in like two minutes, maybe i could take you for a drive. you're too young to be having alcohol problems." you joke.

he thought about it for a moment, playing with the plastic bag in his hand. "okay." you smiled, gathering your stuff from behind the counter and taking the crates to the refrigerator.

"hold on, don't leave." you giggled, making him chuckle. you walked to the back room, letting louis know you were leaving a minute early.

"let's go." your brown, paint splattered bag hung loosely from your shoulder, as you walked towards your black jeep. you climbed on, watching as the stranger did the same on the passenger side.

you grabbed the bag from him and placed it in the back of your seats, turning on the ignition and backing out of your parking space. "so, what's your name?" you ask, breaking the silence.

"oh, uhm noah." you nodded, the wind flowing through your (h/c) hair turning it into a tangled mess. "and yours is y/n/n?"

"short for y/n, but yeah." you smile, stepping on the gas as you see the light turning green.

"and at what time are these famous sunsets of yours at?" he questions, chucking.

"most of the time their around 6:00, 6:30. and they might sound famous, but they're nothing compared to the ones in the caribbean. ever been?" you ask.

he looks at you, a bit surprised to hear that a job at a liquor store buys you trips to the caribbean. "no, actually." 

you turn to look at him before making a left turn, "my friends and i are going again next month, you should come with." you invite, generously.

"you are by far the nicest person i've met, why are you so nice?" both of you chuckle, "because, i want to be able to say i was a good person the day when i'm on my death bed. not many people can say that, but in my defense i'm only nice to certain people. you just look like someone i'd get along with." you grin, a smile appearing on his own features.

"well in that case, i'd love to go with you."

"great," you rummage thorough the mess inside of your glove compartment, finally finding a pen and old mcdonalds napkin. "write your number down and i'll send you the dets." you hand him the napkin and the pen, and he leans over to write on it.

once he's done he places it back into the compartment, and the two of you sit in a comfortable silence until you arrive to your destination. checkers.

"what do you want?" you ask. his soft hazel eyes studied the menu, "number three, please." you nod, pulling up closer to the speaker to order.

"hi, welcome to checkers and rallys what can i get for you?" you hear the lady over the intercom say cheerfully.

"hi, can i get a number 3, large and with a coke. a number seven, also large and with a coke, and two milkshakes." you order.

finally after getting your order you pass the paper bags over to noah, who holds them in his lap. you continue driving until you arrive at the beach, your actual destination.

the two of you eat inside of your open car, cuco's music playing almost silently in the background. the sun finally begins to set, and the sky has now turned different shades of red, pink and orange.

"you're right, it's beautiful." noah speaks, swallowing the last of his burger. "told you so." you brag, beginning your fries. you take the top off your strawberry milkshake and dip the french fry in, taking a bit of it.

noah looks at you, eyebrows furrowed "okay, there is no way you actually eat your fries like that. what are you doing?" he laughs.

"what? they're good, i promise. here try one." you take his own milkshake and open it, he shrugs and gives in as he takes one of his fries and dips it into the sweet, cold beverage.

"go ahead, eat it." you push, giggling as you watch him just looking at the fry. he finally puts it in his mouth, his eyes widening a little. "oh my god, is there anything you're not right about?"

"eh." you laugh making him chuckle while he takes another fry from the bag.

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