14) bad day

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sitting on the black, silk sheets of your undone bed you flipped through the channels on the flat screen television bolted to your white wall. a loud sigh left your lips as you finally decided to watch game of thrones.

it was nearly four in the afternoon, and here you sat. all alone, empty house, sitting in a messy bed with messy hair and a bag of chips in hand. your jeans made it difficult for you to actually feel comfortable, but you didn't have the energy to change into a more comfortable pair of pants.

your morning had started out as usual, with you getting up on time to make both you and your boyfriend some breakfast. the two of you finished breakfast together, got ready, and said a "see you later." to each other as you both headed of to work.

give or take an hour after, you had been stuck in the worst traffic thanks to an accident on the only road that lead you to work. you get there almost thirty minutes late, and your boss had finally had enough. that's right, he fired you.

as a surgical resident, it wasn't the best thing that had ever happened to you. in fact, it was the worst. and as if wasn't enough your car broke down on the way home, leaving you no choice but to get it towed and take the bus.

now here you were, jobless, broke, and with your boyfriend on the set for his new movie. you're career was actually over, you couldn't wrap your head around it. how could this have happened? you knew living in LA wasn't going to be easy, but you never thought it would leave you without your job.

"hey max." a smile appears on your face watching as your puppy attempts to climb onto the bed. you grab him from the floor, bringing him up onto the mattress. he sat next to you, as you munched in the chips and watched the tv tentatively.

the bag of doritos is ripped from your side and now in the dogs mouth. "no, come on." you say, as if he would let go of the bag just because you were telling him to. he ran around the bed, trying to get away from you and leaving the upside down bag to let out all of the chips all over your bed.

you gripped your hair in your hands, groaning and laying down on the pillow behind you. oh, but god wasn't done with you just yet. the sensation of a warm liquid was felt through your shirt and on your back.

"are you fucking kidding me!?" with your voice now uncontrollably raised you take the puppy in your arms and put him out in the patio in the backyard. you rip the sheets off the mattress, causing your drink in the dresser to fall.

"ughh!" the orange fanta is now all over your white carpet, along with chips and sheets soaked in dog pee. you turn around to look at the mirror behind you, and you sit on your now bare mattress. you looked horrible, your hair messier than before and a gray shirt with your dogs pee on it.

the sound of the front door closing makes you look up at the bedroom door waiting for noah to walk in. you can hear the keys hitting the coffee table, "y/n, why are you home so early? you're never this early." he chuckled.

he walked into the room, looking around before looking at you. "might i ask why there's doritos everywhere?" he laughs, his hands in the air. you look up at him when suddenly tears are leaving your e/c eyes. "no." you whisper.

noah rushes to your side, sitting next to you on the bed. "what's wrong, baby?" he asks, his arm around your shoulder as he pulls you close. "i got fired." you cry, your hands now on your eyes.

"what? why?" you wipe your tears, "i don't know, i don't know." more tears leave your eyes, and noah holds you closer. your cries soon turn into laughter, and you are now laughing uncontrollably your back on the bed and your hands clutching your stomach.

noah's face is full of confusion as he watches you laugh, "what's funny?" he asks. you laugh harder, your stomach hurting and now tears of laughter leaving your eyes. "ahh, oh my god!" you laugh again.

"i'm so pathetic! look at me, i have chips on me stuck to the dogs pee!" another laugh leaves your lips, making noah laugh with you this time.

the two of you laugh for about another minute before settling down. you get up and change your shirt, along with your pants. noah looks up at you from his place on the bed, "you'll find another job you know? you're a great doctor y/n."

you smile, wrapping your arms around his neck and standing between his thighs. "i know, i also know that it's been a long time since i've gotten home early enough for us to-" before you could finish your sentence noah had flipped you into the bed with himself on top of you.

you giggled, his lips making contact with your neck. "i love you." he mumbled against your skin, "i love you." you smile, your hands in his soft brown hair.

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