12) christmas tree

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slightly inspired by the movie 'the holiday calendar'. again, another short one.

driving home on your way back from work was like finally getting out of prison after a ten year sentence. you hated your job, especially in the holidays when everyone was always so pissed at something, you hated being a toy store manager.

the faint music in your car made you feel calm and relaxed, and the smell of your lavender pine tree was making that feeling even better. that is until you had to quickly step on the brake, making you bounce slightly in your seat and your airbag almost blow.

"what the shit?!" you groan, getting out of your car to inspect the damage that the tree had done. yes that's right, you just hit a christmas tree. do people not know how to tie trees on top of their cars?

a sigh left your mouth as you examined the done damage to both the car and the tree. a guy got out of the car, a hot guy to be exact. "hey, i'm so sorry. the guys that sold me this three told me it would hold itself up with twine."

squinting your eyes at him, you shook your head. "well, hate to break it to you, twine isn't strong enough for a pine tree." you giggle, pointing at the tree on the ground next to your car. "yeah, i see that now. i'll pay for the damage on your car though." he offers, "oh, no it's fine." you smile, gazing at his beautiful features.

"no, come on let me. it's my fault, i shouldn't have listened to the guys who sold me the tree." he continued, picking up the tree and opening his trunk. he pushed the tree inside, or at least tried to, leaving some of it in the front, some in the middle, and the last bit in the back.

"no, it's fine don't worry about it. seriously." you said, watching him struggle to close the trunk until he finally could.

he turned around to look at you, his hands now in the pockets of his coat. "well can i at least take you out for coffee someday to make it up for you?" he grins. you nod, "of course."

"i'm noah, by the way." he introduces, shaking your hand. "y/n. let me give you my number." you smile. he nods, "yeah, yeah." pulling out his phone and unlocking it to contacts you quickly type your number in.

"call me when you're ready for that coffee." you hand him back his cellphone, getting into your car and driving away.

𝐧𝐨𝐚𝐡 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. ✓Where stories live. Discover now