Chapter 1:

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I cradled my bowl of cereal in the crook of my right arm while battling the raging beast in front of me and preventing him from eating whoever was knocking at my front door. Today I had a very important interview in order to get the internship job at Mitchell & Associates. My professor at the university had to pull some major strings for me to be at the top of the list. I hadn't even showered or brushed my teeth. I overslept because my roommate, Janice, has some very interesting ways to celebrate.

I woke up to Silas howling at my bedroom door. He hasn't been fed and that tends to make him a little cranky.

I walked out my bedroom and headed towards the bathroom. Silas can wait, a few more minutes wouldn't kill him. After last night's festivities, my face wasn't a pretty sight to see so early in the morning. Deep, dark bags hung down from my eyelids, as if someone grabbed a black Sharpie and colored over my skin. My brown hair should've had its own caution sign. I was not pretty, like I am when I'm dressed properly anyways, and just gave myself a helpless shrug. There was nothing I could do now. I ran a comb a couple of times, brushed my teeth, and peed (I'm finally off my period, thank god.)

Silas was sitting impatiently outside the bathroom door waiting for me.

"Alright, damn, I don't know how you could even be this hungry." He peered up at me and wagged his tail. I filled his bowl and went to find food for myself.

In the end, I vouched for cereal. I was too lazy to cook anything, and the Lucky Charms was already sitting on the counter. After I sat at the kitchen table overlooking the fine city of LA, the doorbell rang. Silas barked and began howling at the front door. Janice and I were able to potty train him (although it wasn't pleasant), behave himself with other dogs and people, and even taught him how to fetch the remote control for us when we were either too lazy or too drunk to move. But the one habit we couldn't shake away from him was acting like a total savage when the door sounded. Believe me, we tried. But every effort was futile, and of course eventually we just gave up.

I grabbed him by his collar and yanked him away from the door. He reacted quickly and raced back to the door.

"That's it," I growled at him. I opened the closet door next to the front door and pulled out The Stick. While we were training him to behave outside in public, Janice and I used what is now known as The Stick to hit him with when he misbehaved. I never hit him hard, but over time he has grown a fear towards The Stick. I smacked his butt and he shot down the hallway and into my bedroom. Satisfied, I opened the front door to a UPS delivery man. He looked both confused and scared.

"I have a delivery for a Lara Days," he announced.

"Yes, that's me," I replied.

He handed me a clipboard to sign and he was on his way. I grabbed the package and set it down on the kitchen counter.

Eager, I tore through the tape and found textbooks. I danced happily and squealed. I have waited for weeks for this to come. I spent two years at a community college in Arizona, but over summer break after my sophomore year in college, I got accepted to Woodbury University in Burbank. Although I'm majoring in English, I also have a minor in Politics and History, much to do from pressure from my dad. My English professor in Arizona gave Woodbury a letter of recommendation and they accepted me. Mr. Jones as a strong grip on the English department.

Mr. Jones also managed to get me on the top of a long list to be an intern at Mitchell & Associates. David Mitchell was a powerful lawyer with an even stronger firm. Mr. Jones said I can get a real time view of politics from this internship.

And now, my textbooks finally came for my new classes in Woodbury. Janice, who attends Woodbury in the Fashion department, couldn't contain her excitement after I told her. We have been friends since we were kids in Arizona, and I was sad to see her leave after high school to come to LA. But when I told her I got accepted at Woodbury, she personally bought me a plane ticket so I could get here faster.

I took out the rest from the package and stacked them on too of each other on the counter. I glanced at the time on the microwave and gasped. I had thirty minutes to get ready, and I haven't even showered.


After quickly showering and getting ready I ran out the front door. I was ten minutes late. While I was still technically twenty minutes early, my professor taught me that on time is late in the real world. I climbed into my Volkswagen and headed off towards me new internship.

It wasn't just me who got the internship. A couple of other people got it as well, and we all start today.

By the time I arrived, it was 11:45. I had 15 minutes. I wasn't expected until 12:25, but I liked to be punctual. After showing my ID and finding a good parking space, I ran to the now closing elevator doors.

"Wait!" I called, "Please, hold the door!"

A foot shot out and stopped the two doors from touching. The doors opened again and I walked in, out if breath. I looked up at my savior who prevented me from taking the stairs.

He had dirty blonde hair that was slicked back from his forehead. His eyes were a clear, piercing blue, that one could get lost in. He had a straight nose and puffy, red lips that looked kissable.

KISSABLE?! I mentally chastised myself and looked away. He hasn't noticed my discomfort, or if he did, he chose to ignore it.

"Thank you," I said again.

He let out a deep chuckle and mumbled a "Your welcome."

Throughout the elevator ride I stole quick glances towards his direction. He wore a casual business suit that consisted of a white linen button up shirt and a black blazer. He had on black jeans that clung to his thighs in a very proactive manner. Again I had to look away before I found myself appraising his legs and before he caught me.

"What's your bra size?" He asked out of the blue. His voice was a deep monotone with an accent that sounded amazing coming from his lips.

I let out a light gasp and turned towards him. I pointed a finger at his chest. "That is none of your business. I don't like discussing such personal matters to complete strangers."

He laughed. "So you talk about your bra size to people you do know?"

"It would still be uncomfortable, but much more preferable than to a stranger in an elevator."

He let out another deep laugh and looked down at me. His frame towered above me by at least five or six inches. I felt tiny compared to him.

"I'm Luke," he said extending his hand out. I slowly took his hand in mine. His hand was huge compared to mine. As soon as I touched his hand, warmth spread up to my arms.

"I'm Lara Days," I replied shaking his hand.

"Lara, now we aren't complete strangers."

I let go of his hand and looked at the doors.

Hurry up, I thought in my head.

"If I may ask, what brings you to this fine establishment so late in the afternoon?"

He was teasing me. I looked up at him.

"I'm here for the internship for Mitchell & Associates."

He nodded. "Ah, that means your heading towards the eleventh floor."

Confused, I looked back at him. "Do you work in this building?"

He let out another chuckle. "No, I'm just well acquainted with this building."

I nodded and waited another few moments before the elevator dinged at the ninth floor. He sauntered out and looked back at me. The corner of his mouth tugged at a grin.

"Good luck Lara," he said before he turned around and walked away. As soon as the elevator doors closed, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.


Hello! thanks so much if you read this story. I'm so excited and have so much stuff planned so stay tuned! again thanks and have a lovely day :)

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