chapter 14

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-----*Ana's POV*------

As me and Cameron leave Zayn behind i cant help but feel guilty. ... i dont know why but once my eyes landed on his caramel ones i was lost, all i could see in those eyes was happiness and love. It was weird how i got kidnapped and well you know...weird. As i was lost in my thoughts i overhear a twig snap in my direction causing both me and Cameron to snap. Soon Cameron was on attack mode and so was i, but then Cameron being Cameron hides me behind his back. A tall pure black wolf  slowly comes to view followed by two brown wolves. Their eyes glowing yellow,  they start growling and circling us. Even though Cameron is trying to protect me he cant fight this one alone,  hes not the only one scared to loose their mate. Without hesitating i shift into my white beast earning a few growls from Cameron and the wolves. 'What are you doing!' i hear Cameron hiss in my head making me whimper....

'Cameron you cant fight this alone!, your not the only one thats petrified of losing their mate!' i yell back.

'Which one?' he asks with anger and jealousy. 'What are you talking about!!! its you dimwhit!' i yell back but soon get cut off as one of the brown wolf's  decides to prounce on me, but i reacted quicker than i would expect. The wolf just landed eyeing me, i didnt hesitate ro return the glare. For the past few minutes the brown wolf tried to  attack me but me reacting faster easily dodged them. Later on i got tired and just attacked him, he tries to fight back but im stronger and easily pin him down. Out of nowhere i begin scratching and bitting the wolf with everything i got causing it to whimper. With rage my snout finds the wolfs neck snapping it like if it were a twig. Soon the body layed lifeless on the floor. How? when? what?

  Whatever i say to myself, but when i turn i see a dead body on the ground.  I cant help but frown at the scene, my gaze then leaves the body to Cameron.  His eyes full of rage, he had one hand on the black wolves throat. "Who are you and why did you attack!!?" Cam yells making the wolf smirk. "Shift now!" my furious mate yells. I could see the hint of worry and anger in the wolves eyes but then it shifts. My eyes widened at what was in front of me. Derreik layed butt naked pinned to the ground by Cameron.  "Now speak" Cameron hisses through clenched teeth. "Well i came here for her you see im her brother, i have every right to attack the one who took my dear sister away" Derreik says the sentence making it sound so real that Cameron's grip loosened.

"Hes your brother?" he asks. I simply nod at him. "But Cameron your not doing anything wrong" i say earning a confused look from both my brother and mate. "This little shit is the reason why i was treated as i was at my pack, he just couldnt face the fact that i was human" i say glaring at Derreik.  "Was" Derreik asks in disbelief.  Cameron soon tenses up but i hold him down. "Well your still the same old dipshit i knew Derreik! i was that white wolf that killed your companion" i say while an evil smirk finds its way on my face. "What?" 

I dont hold back but shift into my wolf causing Derreik's eyes to widen, happiness and relief were expressed.  "Finally i have my baby sister" he says with tears in his eyes. Im soon in his embrace which only made Cameron growl in jealously and anger and finding myself i  an akward moment. A growl soon escapes my snout making Derreik to pull away, a frown on his face. I then sift back knowing that now me and Derreik are naked to tge bone. "So now im your sister dick! how could you??? all these years of torture humiliation and abuse you expect me to say 'omg yay wow' well no im sorry Derreik but you had a responsibility once mom and dad died, they had left you with me to care for but you treated me like shit...." i say, soon Cameron's hand found my shoulder.

"Are you ok love" he asks with worry. His touch sends electric currents rushing down my spine, i just nod in response before i look back at my brother. His emerald green eyes held sorrow and guilt, but ignoring his emotional estate i leave him with Cameron on my tail. i then realize im naked. The memories of me shredding the shirt Cameron gave me into pieces when shifted came to mind. Cameron seems to get the message of me being uncomfortable so he picks me up bridal style as we begin our jurney  back home.





ships or nah.


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