Example Imagine + Request form

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This is just an example imagine, plus I've wanted to write something like this for a while.

As mentioned before in the description, all the imagine in this book will be inspired by the works of deluxemendes_ & glitterfanfiction.

A request form will be at the end of this imagine. Please pm me any requests, comments or question you may have.
Thank you!

Hearing the stories that came from my brothers and his friends, you'd think that maybe I would've been a bit more cautious when going out at nighttime; especially if since I was walking.

Yet there was just things that no one could be prepared for, or expecting to happen. Like hit and runs for example.

And that's exactly how I ended up stuck in the hospital.


The evening was quiet as I treaded down the sidewalk, in search for something to quench my boredom with. My brother Ashton, and his three best mates, were scheduled for the night-shift at the hospital - meaning they'd left well over two hours ago.

Suspiciously, the street I was walking down was covered with an unsettling silence. An occasional car speeding by every ten minutes ago.

Then it happened. An unnecessarily speeding suv had swerved out of the lane and headed directly towards me. I tried to move out of the way but it was almost as if I was frozen on the spot.

Everything seemed to flash before me and I was suddenly laying on the ground, an agonizing pain overcoming me.

My breathing was start to become erratic and after hearing the many lectures from my brother of how dangerous this was, I knew that I should at least try to get it under control; but I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried to, I was just too scared and in pain to do so.

I began to contemplate if this is how it would all end for me, lying in a ditch on the side of the road, completely covered in injuries and blood.

However, it was as if fate was on my side as an older couple came rushing up to me, one of them already on the phone with emergency services.

It wasn't long before I heard sirens and saw flashing lights, the scene already blocked off by police. About ten paramedics and firefighters were surrounding me.

In a way I could feel myself getting sleepier every second that went by, yet I forced myself to stay awake until I couldn't no more.

My body was moved onto a back board, followed by being lifted onto a gurney; quickly transported into the ambulance. I could tell that people were trying to speak to me but it all seemed to distant, more sounding like I was underwater.

Yet before I knew it everything turned black.


"Jane Doe, approximately 13 to 17 years old, was the victim of a hit and run. She has sustained major to critical injuries including: a grade 2-3 concussion, several broken ribs, right leg fracture, possible spinal injuries and unknown injuries."

"Page Ashton now!"

"Do you really think that's a good id-" "I don't care! He needs to know!"

I could feel someone rubbing on my sternum most likely in attempts to wake me up. Yet for me it felt like way too much, I was just tired, until finally I opened my eyes and saw one of my brothers friends staring at me; Calum.

I couldn't imagine how worried and freighted he must be, getting a trauma call only for it to be the sister of your best mate.

Suddenly the blanket was pulled upwards from my legs and I could feel Calum's hands touching the bottom of my feet, asking if I could feel it. Thankfully I could and he deemed me with no spinal injuries. I was taken off the damned back board, yet the neck brace remained on for precaution.

It wasn't long before Luke and Michael cane rushing in, turning into overprotective friends/doctors and immediately throwing question after question to me.

Once I briefly calmed down from the first wave of panic caused by the other three in the room, I suddenly began to fell tired, my eyes practically begging for me to close them; which I did.

Immediately I was shaken awake by Luke, who had shined ridiculously bright light in my eyes and then proceeded to rant about how  important it was that I didn't fall asleep.

Yet I was finding that to be difficult, given my situation.

It wasn't long before the initial chaos going rampant around the room was cleared, as the hoard of nurses and other doctors exited the room; all but the remaining three.

It also wasn't much longer until my brother ran into the room, eyes widening at the sight of me in the hospital bed, quickly pestering his friends for information about what happened and my injuries.

"Coincidentally I was on my way to see you guys," I laughed, yet was halted when the pain became too much and it turned into tears instead.

Ashton smiled sympathetically, "Well, the important thing is that you're here.

And although I did need surgery for quite a few of my injuries, I had to best team of doctors to help me through it all.


Here's an example of the request form for doctor imagines:

Relation to any of the boys/who you'd like to be involved:
What type of doctors you'd like each boy to be:

It is important that you include details for the imagine!

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