Imagine for Newolympus

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A normal gym class quickly went downhill.

I don't know what exactly was happening but I suddenly couldn't breathe, whether it was in or out, it just felt as if I couldn't catch my breath. There was also a strange burning feeling in my chest.

Pulling myself away from the rest of the group and sitting down along a chain-linked fence, I tried everything to get my breathing under control but nothing seemed to be working.

Maybe I was doing something incorrect.

Luckily my gym teacher soon rushed over as soon as he saw my state, ushering another student to go find the school nurse.

When she had arrived she had stated there wasn't much she could do as she didn't have the proper equipment, and therefore made the call for an ambulance.

In the meantime I tried to control my breathing but nothing seemed to be working. It was frustrating.

I felt myself beginning to get more lightheaded just as the whir of sirens and flashing lights pulled into the field parking lot.

A man dressed in dark navy scrubs ran up ahead of the paramedics, placing two gloved fingers on the inside of my wrist and taking my pulse quickly.

"Let's get a blood pressure and oximeter setup. I want to take a listen to her chest and lungs." The cold metal of the stethoscope bell could be felt through the fabric of my t-shirt. "We've got some wheezing and shallow breath sounds. Let's get her stable and bring her to the ambulance."

The paramedics worked to transfer me onto the gurney and whisked me away to the back of the ambulance. The same man who showed up at the start was already there waiting with an oxygen mask.

He sat next to me and took hold of my hand as the paramedics worked around me. "Hi, I'm sure this all looks really nerve-racking. I'm Calum. I work as a doctor and was called to help you." He took a glance at the monitor I was now connected to, if there was anything immediately wrong; he was good at hiding it.

Soon the ambulance came to a complete stop and I could only assume we were in the ambulance bay of the emergency department.

"What have we got," another male voice spoke.

"Selene Blair, severe respiratory distress, shortness of breath, minor inflamation in chest and lungs; pulse is 102, oxygen sats are 96, bp's normal at 115/70."

"Put her in trauma 2. Selene, can you hear me?" A light flashed into my eyes before I had any time to react.

I could still make out the voice of Calum. "Hey Ash, you think it's asthma?"

"Sounds like it, I'll page Luke just in case but doubt it's anything cardio related. You got any medical history on her?"

"No. I believe the school nurse said she'd send something over, but doesn't sound like she's ever been diagnosed."

My eyes blinked awake just in time to see someone tying a tourniquet just above my wrist. Presumably they were going to put an IV in.

I was right when I felt a little pinch and the feeling of the IV cannula being taped down with a bag of fluids being connected to it.

"Hi Selene." A new voice spoke. "I'm Ashton, one of Calum's friends and fellow doctor. I'm going to give you some medication that'll calm your breathing down for the time being." He administered something into my IV.

My eyes began to flutter once more. "Hey, No, Selene! It's very important you stay awake right now."

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Did you page Luke," asked Calum, who now sat at a computer.

"Yes. He should be on his way."

Curiosity got the best of me. "Who's Luke?"

"He's another doctor and friend of ours. Just gonna make sure there's nothing wrong with your heart before we make our final diagnosis. We don't think there is anything but it's just precaution."

Soon enough I was introduced to Luke who appeared just as sweet as Calum and Ashton.

"Has anyone ever diagnosed you with asthma?"


He sent me a sympathetic smile, "Well, you definitely have it. We'll get a set of X-rays to confirm it's nothing else, but at the most you'll be going home with an inhaler."

What a way to end my day.


Hope you liked it!

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