Imagine for BarbaraSieger5

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I am not a medical professional and apologize in advance for anything written that may be inaccurate.

Becca's POV


I've come to learn that trying to play a hardcore sport is pretty difficult when you're constantly around doctors. Especially when it was your brother and friends

They'd pester me after (nearly) every game, claiming they'd just want me to be safe and healthy.

To my luck, they're was a select few times where they weren't able to come to due to they're scheduling at the hospital. Those times I didn't have to worry too much about how tough I acted during the game.

I've already had to deal with several ankle and shoulder injuries, both inducing an impending lecture from my brother.

Yet in my mind I believe something entirely different. I believed that nothing bad could ever happen to me during this sport - if only then I had realized how wrong I'd be.

Because, of course, when I wasn't paying attention; a ball had spiked me. So hard that it knocked me over and I slid across the gymnasium floor.

My mind felt somewhere else as I tried to comprehend what just occurred.  People from the audience were looking over as the opposing player was reprimanded. A few referees were rushing over to me, with instructions to stay still and an ambulance was on its way.

However, I wasn't looking forward to going to the hospital especially with knowing my brother would be there. With the large amount of pain that I was in, I wasn't looking forward to yet another lecture.

Thankfully, the paramedic team soon arrived and crowded around me. I felt a neck brace being placed onto me followed by a back board being slid underneath me. My head was then secured by two red pieces that looked similar to puzzle piece.

Once all the wires connected to me were situated, the team began to transport me.

Not surprisingly, I was in a massive amount of pain when they began to transport me. Yet it was lightly reassuring when I was informed that I could get pain medication as soon as we were in the ambulance.

But soon before I knew it, we were driving towards the hospital and that's when everything began to feel off for me. Suddenly I became quite tired and just wanted to sleep, however was halted by the paramedic in the back with me, each time I did so.

"What's our ETA?"

"7 minutes."

Those seven minutes must've passed quickly because soon the back doors to the ambulance were being open. I saw blurs of gathered people, mainly nurses and doctors. I even heard someone that sounded exactly like Calum - one of my dads friends.

"15 year old female, injured at volleyball game. Injuries are unknown to us, but spinal injuries and concussion are a possibility.  Patient was given a low dosage of pain medication intravenously while en route. Pt. was also starting to go unconscious as well."

Once again my vision began to go blurry as I felt wisps of lightheadedness. I could feel people touching me, poking around to see where I was most injured.

A much-too bright light was shone into my eyes by someone (Luke), as another person placed two fingers on my wrist; presumably checking my pulse.

"Let's get a full body CT scan and X-rays, then we'll go from there. And somebody page Michael!" That was definitely Calum's voice.

My eyes opened to see a team of nurses or interns transporting me down to radiology, and accidentally scaring one of them when they noticed I was awake.

Luckily it wasn't long before I was being transported back. This time to an assigned room.

It was then where I was met with my brother, who seemed to be in a distressed and panicked state. Although I guess I would be too, if I was paged for an emergency only to find out it was my sibling.

"What happened," asked Michael, helping Luke to set me up to a few different monitors.

I was definitely not looking forward to Michael knowing the truth about what happened, especially with all the warnings he's given me. So with that in mind I gave a pleading look to Ashton, almost as if I was begging him not to say anything, yet I was instead given a sympathetic look.

"She came in probably 30 minutes ago via ambulance. Paramedics said she was injured at volleyball. She's got a mild sprain in her neck, a dislocated shoulder, and a good set of bruises including on her stomach," relayed Calum, from where he was writing in the my chart.

Instead of yelling like I thought he would, Michael gently hugged me. "You know, it's a good thing I specialize in orthopedics," he joked.

I laughed, "Yeah, except the fact that you're an orthopedic surgeon. And I don't need surgery."

"We'll see." That was not reassuring at all!

After the four doctors in the room conversed about my injuries and looked over my scans together, they finally decided that I would only need to stay for observation for a few hours.

So with strict instructions to rest and no sports for a minimum of two weeks, I was soon sent on my with the best brother.

Hope you enjoyed!

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