Imagine for Anonymous1

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For the sake of this imagine, the character's name will be 'Ava' as the user who requested this asked to remain anonymous.

At first I had believed it to be a pretty normal day, yet it quickly turned sour - at least this time it wasn't for me.

It was for my older brother - who somewhat conveniently had a career as a doctor. He was always constantly over my shoulder making sure I felt okay, was eating right, and just overall healthy.

Most times it could be annoying especially when I was hanging out with friends or someone I crushed on, but I knew he just did it because he loved and cared about me.

However when he didn't wake me this morning to ask if I was doing okay; I knew something was definitely up. Besides it was also too quiet with all the singing he loved to do.

Knocking on his door softly I was surprised to find a comeback of silence. It was strange, someone who was normally so energetic (even for a doctor) was suspiciously quiet.

"Luke," I knocked gently. "Are you alive?"

"You can come in, Ava," he announced, his voice more tougher than usual.

Stepping into his room I took in his state, and man: he looked awful. Truthfully I wondered if he needed a doctor himself.

"Do you want me to call one of the guys," I asked referring to best friends and co-workers, whom also worked as doctors.

"Ava, I didn't get a medical license for no reason." Gosh he was stubborn.

"Well, yes that's true, but you didn't get one to check yourself over," I sassed. "Let me at least check you out."

He laughed, "You have no idea what you're doing."

"Oh come on, Luke! It's not that hard."

"Really when did you get your medical license?"

He had me there but I wasn't backing down yet. "I know the basics."

I saw the hesitance in his face before he reluctantly agreed, directing me to get the spare doctor kit he kept in his closet - mainly for when he had to deal with me.

Opening the case I saw various items of all the tools he uses - none of which I knew the names of, except for maybe the stethoscope, a pen-light, and basic thermometer. Grabbing those I headed over towards Luke who still laid on the bed.

Placing the buds of the stethoscope in my ears and the bell on the right side of his chest, I begin to patiently listen; but I couldn't hear anything. Therefore I moved the bell over slightly yet it was the same results.

"Ava, darling, the heart is on the other side and down a bit," he laughed, guiding my hand down to the correct spot. A blush covered my face.

Focusing on listening once more I noticed everything sounded okay - or at least that's what it sounded like to me. I'm sure Luke would take a listen for himself later.

Next I grabbed the pen-light  and looked at his throat, noticing it was quite irritably red and some small white spots. I knew that possibly couldn't be good.

He also had a 102.2° (39° Celsius) fever which I knew from experience wasn't good.

"Hey Luke, what does it mean if one has white spots all over their throat?"

"Probably means I've got strep," he groaned. "Guess I'll take you up on that offer to call one of the guys."

A smug smirk played on to my face knowing that I was right in this situation.

He must've noticed it too due to what he said next. "Yeah, yeah. I'm sure you'll be this compliant when it's your turn."

We eventually ended up at his job, or the hospital, where one of his friends confirmed it was strep and sent him home with antibiotics and leave from work.

Luke was right about one thing though.

I wouldn't be as compliant when it's my turn

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