Imagine for Live-Love-Lm-5sos

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Happy 2019!

This is completely way overdo, but life happened. I am so sorry Shannon! Although you could technically say this was due last year 😂

I'm not sure if it gets mentioned so just to clarify Michael is the dad in this one.


Shannon's Pov

The fear I had of doctors was inexplicable. It was almost as if I was suffering something I couldn't escape.

It was especially inescapable with my dad being a doctor, even more so with his three friends who held the same profession.

Nearly every time I had a checkup or a sick visit, they would be quite protective, I guess, - making me go into a state of panic.

It wasn't necessarily them as much as it was their profession and the things that came with it, like needles for instance, or other medical tools; specifically a blood pressure cuff.

Quite a few times I had suffered panic attacks due to this fear I held, yet I had completely no control over it.

Usually it happened when I became too overwhelmed in a situation, mostly when medical and doctors was the topic.

But now I was stuck in a hospital exam room, waiting for my demise to be met - well I guess that's a bit extreme to say actually.

My dad knew I had horrible anxiety because of my fear. He just didn't know exactly how bad it was.

I felt my breathing pickup as I heard four familiar voices and footsteps nearing the door. No matter how many times I've done this previously, I was never prepared.

My face paled as the four of them walked in, discussing whatever in medical terminology - which to me just sounded like another language.

Funnily enough I never knew why there was so many people during these things.

"Hi sweetie," my dad smiled, being strangely enthusiastic about the situation. Yet I brushed it off and pretended it was nothing. "I know you're upset but we have to do this."

"Well we technically don't have to," I argued, earning a laugh from Calum who stood reading over my chart and the vitals that a nurse had previously taken.

"Don't you think it's better to get it over with now then to do it on a later date?" I guess he had somewhat of a point there. So with that I huffed and allowed them to do their job.

Giving a sarcastic smile to Ashton when he stood in front of me with an otoscope, probably expecting me to open my mouth or something. Yet it was always a struggle from me due to my fear.

However it didn't phase him as he instead checked my eyes, nearly blinding me with the light. To which he did apologize for.

That task was easily followed by checking my ears, something I was surprisingly used to. Maybe because of my ability to get sick as often as I did.

After some type of encouragement from everyone in the room, reluctantly I opened my mouth to which Ashton quickly shined the light in.

Finally he was finished as he stepped back and took the chart from Calum to write in. "Your throat is a little inflamed but I'm not too worried about it. It could be just from something as simple as dry air."

Next Luke stood up uncoiling his stethoscope, smiling as he did so. "Should be nice and easy, right?" He received an eye-roll.

I jumped as the cold bell of the stethoscope slipped down my shirt, resulting in a laugh from Luke. He used to forget to warn me about it years back, but now he just does it for fun.

Before he could drill me about it, I took a breath in as he listened to my heart in pure concentration. Repeating the action about five times.

He finished just as quick as he started and soon moved onto my lungs, where I again took several deep breaths in and out.

Once I gotten the all clear from him is when Calum finally walked over, trying to hide his laughter.

"Yeah yeah, I know, lay down," I huffed laying on the table on my back. If you couldn't tell already I was done with this exam. "Gentle presses," I warned.

He smiled, "I know. You tell me every time, lovely."

His gentle fingers prodded against my abdomen as careful as he could, which only lasted about thirty seconds before he helped me sit up again, going back to writing in my chart.

I thought I was out of the woods seeing as I already knew I didn't need any vaccinations, but evidently I was not as they all decided to huddle around my chart, my dad included, and discuss something.

"Shannon," my dad spoke catching my attention. "Your blood pressure was a little high when the nurse took it so we're gonna do it again. I don't think there's anything wrong but just to be sure."

Great! He knew how I didn't do exactly well with the blood pressure cuff, especially because it squeezed so tight just to get an accurate reading.

With that I felt tears starting to pool up in my eyes becoming overwhelmed with everything that was going on. Most likely due to my phobia.

"Sweetie, we wouldn't be doing this if we didn't feel it absolutely necessary to. We just want to make sure you're safe and healthy,"

I scoffed, "But you're the one who said that there was probably nothing wrong. So I don't understand why you're saying I need to get it taken again." Now I could really feel the panic hitting me.

At this point Ashton had stepped in also, "I think it's more of a comfort thing. We all just want to make sure you're healthy and would feel much better taking your blood pressure again knowing that it was possibly just a machine malfunction."

I heard the velcro of the cuff being opened and placed on my bicep, soon feeling it gently begin to inflate. I think that's what set my panic attack off. Because soon I felt like I couldn't breathe and started hyperventilate.

"You think we'll need a relaxer?" I heard the voice of someone speak.

"I don't want to use it, but if it comes to that point.."

I could hear the voice of my dad telling me to calm down and that it was going to be okay. Even though he was practically trained for these situations - he sounded panicked himself.

When I finally calmed down enough and was relaxed, I noticed that it was just my dad and I in the room.

And I think right there, in that moment, was all I needed.

This turned out longer than I expected it to be, but I do hope it's worth the wait!

I love you guys,

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