Imagine for Southerngirl212

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Hope you like it! Sorry for it being so overdue.
Also included 5sos' girlfriends (and fiancée 😉) just for fun!

(Sorry for any mistakes)

Rachel's Pov:

"Don't you dare touch me, Hemmings." I spoke to my boyfriend of two years - whom also conveniently - or inconveniently in my case - worked as a doctor.

You see, he sometimes had a tendency to be overprotective when it came to my health.

He was overreacting over basic stomach pains, throwing-up, and a fever when it literally could be anything.

"It could be appendicitis, Rachael. You don't understand."

I scoffed, "I'd think I know if I had appendicitis."

An amused look played onto his face, "Really? I had no idea you went to med school." Of course he'd make a smart comment back.

"I'm pretty sure I know the symptoms of appendicitis and I'd tell you if I have them." I laughed. "But if it makes you feel any more relaxed, I'll go with you to the hospital and stay in your office."

Of course he just had to agree to that one. Therefore he set me up on the couch in his office with a blanket and pillow, and instructions on how to call a nurse if I needed anything.

"I need to go do my rounds now, shouldn't take more than roughly forty-five minutes unless I get pulled into the ER or surgery. Please don't wonder around. Love you." With that he pecked my lips goodbye and walked out of his office.

I must've eventually fell asleep because when I awoke I felt much more worse. Along with a note from Luke on his table.

Got pulled into an emergency surgery, not sure how long it'll take. You know what to do if you start feeling worse.

Now that he had mentioned feeling worse I couldn't help but notice how much more my stomach ached and nauseous I felt.

Sitting up I stumbled out of the room and into the hallway, seeing Calum and Ashton standing at nurses station. In my fevered state I managed to walk over to them, watching as the nurse they were conversing with pointed me out to them.

"You're looking really flushed." Ashton pointed out, touching his hands to my cheeks and forehead. A smile forced its way onto my lips.

"She is," agreed Calum. "I know Luke said you were sick but you just look awful. What's your symptoms?" They guided me over to a chair near by and gently sat me down.

Pondering for a moment I thought of my symptoms. I had thrown up, I'm running a fever, and my stomach pains - not to mention my right side did hurt a little bit. After I told both of them this they sent a suspicious glance to each other.

"Have you ever had your appendix taken out?"

Now they were beginning to scare me. "No.. but I don't think it's that."

Calum crouched down in front of me. "Well we, as two medically licensed and trained surgeons think it's a possibility. In the meantime we'll go ahead and set you up with a room and IV fluids."

I was grateful when they didn't make me walk and instead got a wheelchair for me. Although I wouldn't directly admit it, my right side was becoming more painful as time went on.

They were quick with hooking me up to all sorts of machines; a heart monitor, a pulse ox, and a blood pressure cuff. I barely even registered the poke of the IV or the one for my blood draw. They had also set me up with some mild pain medication which helped to aid my relief slightly.

"Alright," spoke Ashton, "We're gonna have a nurse come in a minute and do an ultrasound, then we'll be back to see you. We've paged Luke but there's no telling when he'll be out of surgery.

In the meantime just try to stay relaxed and if you have any problems or need something, press the nurses' button and they'll page us right away."

The ultrasound was a lot quicker and easier than I expected, plus the fact that Crystal, the nurse, was quite easy to talk to. However my comfort lessened when she said definitely looked like appendicitis.

Calum and Ashton soon returned with my lab results, confirming that it was in fact appendicitis. "You'll be having surgery within an hour the least."

"There's no other way around this?" I asked in pure curiosity.

"Unfortunately not. Besides there's a lot of dangers with letting it go untreated. We'll try to page Luke again before you go in but can't guarantee anything. You got two of the best surgeons operating on you, don't worry," Calum joked.

Everything seemed to be moving so fast, I didn't even have time to process my emotions. I was scared.

Soon enough Crystal and another nurse named Sierra soon came by to help prep me for surgery.

There's not much more I remember except for blurred faces covered by masks.

When I awoke in recovery it was to someone holding my hand. I turned and saw Luke sitting next to me, still in his scrubs.

I smiled tiredly, "Next time I'll listen to you, Doctor Hemmings."


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