Imagine for Rijss223

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It's been awhile since I've written one of these. Enjoy!

(Not proof read)

Rea's Pov:

Being the only younger sister to four brother was pretty though, especially when they were all protective of me. It was even more of a struggle when they all shared the same profession.

One I despised with a passion.


And of course I had to be afraid of doctors or anything related to the medical setting, which was never easy with my brothers. I tried to countless times to avoid checkups or sick visits, but they never could be avoided with them.

They constantly hovered over me when they weren't working which was quite annoying. Thus why we decided just last week to stop telling them whenever I felt crappy.

I was now regretting that decision as I laid curled up in practically a ball, holding my stomach. The worst part being that I was home alone.

Yet I didn't want to give in and call them, which was probably not a wise decision on my part.

So instead I stayed in my position. The sudden onset feeling of chills giving me a suspicion that I had a fever.

I heard the sound of my front door opening, slightly alarming me, but I couldn't will myself to move.

It wasn't long before Calum made an appearance in my doorway, still dressed in his scrubs, so I knew that he was most likely on his lunch break.

"Figured you'd be out of bed by now," he laughed, walking into the room.

I laughed too but immediately stopped from the pain. Calum sent me a glance in what was probably concern, however he didn't say anything.

Judging from his facial expressions though I could tell that he knew something was wrong.

It wasn't until he swiped a thermometer across my forehead that I knew there was no more hiding.

"Okay, you've got a 103.2°F fever. What's wrong?"

I winced, "Nothing is wrong except for this pain that I have in my stomach."

Almost immediately he perked up, quickly rushing towards me. "It's not on your right side is it?"

"No Cal, it's not appendicitis." Apparently he still wasn't fazed by my answer though. "At least let me check, Rea."

With a huff I rolled onto my back and gently pushed my shirt up, feeling his cold fingers press against my abdomen, slowly moving to the right side.

"It doesn't look like appendicitis but I still want to take you with me and run the appropriate tests," he announced, standing up from his kneeled position on the floor next to my bed.

I shook my head no, "Cal, you know I can't. You'll most likely involve needles."

"Look, while I can't promise there won't be needles. This isn't up for discussion, you need to at least just get checked out and let us out-rule some things."

Hesitantly shifting myself into an upright position, which was a bit of a difficult task considering I was in pain, I decided to just comply and go with him.

Ignoring the look he gave me once he realized that I'd be leaving the house in my pajamas, I gently seated myself into his car.

"I just wanna let you know that things might get a bit hectic once we get into the emergency bay," warned Calum.

I gave him a confused look, "But I'm not technically considered an emergency, am I?" He gave me a laugh in response. "No but you are my sister and I am the head of the ER."

Before I knew it we were pulling into the staff parking lot of the hospital, escorting me through the back entrance and to the emergency department.

I was surprised at how quick he was able to get me a bed, but then again he was the head of the ER.

Almost immediately he began to rummage through drawers and cabinets. "I'm gonna hook you up to a few things just to monitor you."

In reality a few things actually turned out to be quite a bit, well at least in my opinion. A heart monitor, pulse oximeter, blood pressure cuff.

It wasn't long before Luke came in, taking in the sight of me in the hospital bed. "I saw her name come up when I was doing my charts, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Calum's just overreacting." Yet neither of them acknowledged what I said as they chose to discuss what was going on instead.

Luke hummed in response, "Sounds like it could just be a basic stomach infection. Did you start a line yet?"

"No, I wanted to but knew it probably wasn't the best idea without at least two of us here." Once I initially processed what they were talking about, I knew that I would be getting an iv put in, which promoted me to attempt to scramble out of bed - momentarily forgetting I was connected to a bunch of wires.

I groaned, "Can't we just skip the iv?" It was a great shot but knew that they wouldn't agree.

I was defeated when Luke began to prep a tray with supplies to start an iv. "I'm not getting that," I practically whined as Luke grabbed my room to look for a vein. "Yes you are, you need it," he argued back.

A groan escaped my lips as I felt the chill of an alcohol wipe on my arm, knowing the torture that would soon follow.

"On three," he announced, "one, two.." I should've known that he wouldn't actually do it on number three, but didn't realize. He quickly hooked me up to a bag of fluids. "Are we doing labs as well?"

"Yeah, it's probably a good idea," I heard Calum answer, to which I immediately sent him a glare for. "I think you've both tortured me enough for today."

They exchanged a look with each other. "Fine, we weren't draw blood since we know it's most likely not appendicitis," Luke spoke. "But that doesn't mean you're free to go yet. We still have to take care of this stomach infection."

It wasn't long before Ashton and Michael, my two other brothers, were rushing into the room, asking for details on my chart and what happened.

Once the initial discussion was over, they all shared a look yet again. This time one I knew all too well.

"You guys said there wouldn't be anymore needles involved," i half-laughed.

"Actually we didn't," laughed Luke.

"It's two simple pokes in your hip muscle," Ashton assured me as I wearily watched him prepare the hypodermics. Knowing there was no way to escape this, I reluctantly laid down on my side, the boys immediately in front of me.

The two shots went surprisingly quicker than I expected it to be, but I still did let out a few tears due to my intimidating fear of needles, all of which I quickly forgot about when I was surrounded by hugs.


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