Imagine for Doggydarlingpuppy

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(Vaguely proof read)

Amber's Pov

I stood in line at the carnival despite my dad's protests about going. You see, my dad worked as an emergency doctor at the local hospital along with his three friends, so they always lectured me about going due to the numerous injuries they saw from the event.

Yet of course I didn't listen to them.

Hence why I was now walking towards one of the most dangerous carnival rides ever, or at least it was in my dad's opinion: The tilt-a-whirl.

It obviously wasn't the test choice to ride considering now how dizzy and unaware I felt when it stopped.

"Amber," one of my friends spoke. "Are you okay? You're looking a little pale."

I nodded in response, worried that if I told them how dizzy I was they might've called my dad or one of his friends. It was only a matter of seconds when I was walking down to the stairs to get off the ride and I lost my balance due to my disorientated state, sending myself tumbling down about four metal steps.

Groaning as I felt my head collide with the hard ground and heard voices calling my name, I opened my eyes and instantly saw a line of red in my peripheral vision immediately knowing that I was probably bleeding somewhere.

"Call 911!"

I wanted to stop them, tell them I was okay and it wasn't necessary but I could seem to find my voice. Stuck in-between pain and shock.

Voices could be heard in the distance speaking to the 911 operator, another talking to me trying to get answers out of me. Repetitively telling me not to move nor shut my eyes.

It wasn't long before I heard the soft whirring of sirens and an ambulance was pulling up to the field, paramedics dashing up with bags and a gurney.

But then I saw the one face I wasn't hoping to see, one of my dad's best friend and fellow doctor: Calum.

He was distracted in helping the other paramedic unpack the necessary equipment from the bags, but then he turned towards me and immediately froze.

Quickly recovering from his shock, he spoke. "Amber, what happened and why are you here right now?"

"I'm sorry, Cal. Are you mad," I winced.

"No I'm not mad at all, just worried. I wasn't expecting the call to be you lying on the ground with blood flowing from an open head wound."

I grimaced at the image, trying to imagine what it would be like finding someone close to you in an injured position. "I'm gonna need stitches aren't I?"

"Most likely but we'll let Ash take a look too."

Ashton, or Ash, was another friend and doctor at the hospital. He worked as an emergency trauma doctor, mainly sticking to cases like head trauma or severe injuries.

I watched as Calum opened a pack of gauze squares and began to apply pressure to the open wound, which was thankfully starting to slow down bleeding.

"I want a pulse ox and blood pressure on her. And let's get a basic cardio monitor setup too."

One of the paramedics began to place a blood pressure cuff around my upper arm and a type of clip attached to my finger. The other had grabbed a pair of scissors and slightly cut my shirt in order to gain access to my chest to place the monitors.

Once Calum had gotten the bleeding under control and taped the gauze to the wound for now, he quickly flashed a light in my eyes making me squint due to how bright it was; truthfully, it hurt.

"Definite concussion. I think vitals are  stable enough to begin transport though." The paramedic whom had attached to electrodes grabbed a long, red board with black straps at the finishing of Calum's words.

"Amber," the kiwi spoke. "This is a backboard, we're going to put you on it as prevention of spinal injuries. I personally don't think you have any but it's just prevention."

Once I was securely placed onto the backboard and strapped in, Calum and the paramedics lifted me and placed me on top of the gurney, doing up the straps to that once more.

I was pretty surprised at how fast things began to move once we were in the back of the ambulance. One of the medics stayed in the back with Calum and I while the other drove to the hospital, taking my information and such.

I was immensely grateful that Calum was here due to the fact that I had pretty much no idea on what my medical history was or any medication I may be on.

Arriving at the ambulance bay of the hospital was a completely different story, I could see Ashton standing at the nurses station filling charts. It would only be a matter of time before he found out too.

A nurse directed us to an empty trauma room, aiding in setting me up to the hospital monitors.

"Head laceration and concussion after an amusement park injury- Amber?" I smiled and waved awkwardly to Ashton from where I laid on the hospital bed.

I watched as he too proceeded to shine a light in my eyes, temporarily blinding me yet apologizing for doing so.

He turned to Calum whom was busying himself with updating my chart, "Can you page Luke?"

"No," I groaned. The last thing I wanted to do was explain to him what happened especially so soon after arriving.

"Amber, he's your dad so we really don't have a choice here." Rolling my eyes at the pair of doctors I allowed them to page my dad, knowing full well they were going to do it regardless of my opinion."

While waiting for my dad to arrive Ashton took to inspecting the open cut on my head, which had thankfully stopped bleeding, declaring it would only need about 7 or 8 sutures.

I grimaced as he began to clean it with Calum's assistance, a slight stinging feeling left behind. Once I was numb and he began the first suture is when my Dad showed up.

"Amber," he spoke. I couldn't even imagine what it must be like for him, to see your daughter laying in an hospital while your friend stitches an open head wound on her.

I watched as he picked up the tablet in the corner of the room, skimming over the information on what happened. "An amusement park ride injury?"

I smiled awkwardly once again, "I'm sorry?"

"Well," he sighed. "You could've been worse."

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