Imagine for Carlycat13

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(Not proof read)

The feeling of waking up this morning was not something I anticipated. I knew, sure enough, my brother would drag me out of bed just so I could go to the doctors.

It was practically torture in my opinion.

I've tried before to get out of previous appointments but they knew every trick in the book, besides, stating I was sick would only end up in me going to the clinic anyways.

Luckily, in some ways, I knew the doctor on a somewhat personal level as he was a close friend of my brothers.

Although, he as well seemed to become pretty strict when it came to my health - hence my reasoning for hiding things from them.

Thankfully I was basically out of the woods as this was just a checkup. I could get through this.

When I softly knock sounded on my door followed by it opening gently, I knew exactly what time it was.

Maybe playing sick didn't seem so bad after all.

"Carly," Michael spoke. "You need to get up now."

I rolled over with attempts to put on my best sick voice. "Oh.. I can't today, I'm ill."

"Well, it's a good thing you're going to the doctors."

Grumbling a set of words I wouldn't dare repeat, under my breath, I sat up. "I don't want to go and you can't make me."

"You're right, I can't. But I can always get Ash to come here which would probably result in you having to go to the hospital anyway." In a haste, yet polite, motion I shoved him out of my room before gathering up everything I need to get ready.

After showering and tossing on comfortable clothing - I had deemed myself ready. But apparently it wasn't up to Michael's standards.

"You need to eat something before we leave."

Turning around and managing to refrain an eye roll, I replied. "I think I'll be okay."

"After what happened last time with your blood draw? Nope, grab something at least."

Once I had grab something that I deemed enough to satisfy both of our needs; we finally left.

The anxiety of the waiting room in the pediatric wing of the hospital was probably equal to the appointment itself.

My legs were shaking with nerves, wondering when my name would be called. It was much longer before a triage nurse guided us to the back, taking my height and weight; then sticking me into a room.

Thankfully, my favorite nurse, Calum had soon popped in. "I need to take your vitals," he announced, walking into the room with a pulse ox and blood pressure cuff.

"Let's not and pretend that you did."

A smirk played onto his lips, "Ha-ha, nice try. Arm." Begrudgingly I held out my arm and watched as he wrapped the blood pressure cuff around it, then began to inflate it.

I was relieved when he deflated it and undid the strap. "Little high but nothing to worry about." Next, he placed the oximeter onto my index finger and waited for that to register. "That's kind of high too, it could just be nerves but I'm sure Ash will double-check. Good luck."

Soon enough Ashton (or Dr Irwin, as I teased) entered the room. My nerves more than definitely sky rocketing

After going through the embarrassing questions with Michael still present, the more physical part of the checkup began.

It started with him looking at my eyes, ears, and throat; followed by listening to my heart and lungs.

"I want to take your blood pressure again," Ashton announced. "Calum said it was a little high along with your heart rate. Could just be all those nerves you get."

I sat in an impatient mood waiting for him to be done feeling my pulse, just wanting to get this appointment over with.

Finally, after what seemed like ten minutes in my mind, the blood pressure cuff was wrapped around my arm once more; a lower reading coming up this time.

"Good. It's much lower now."

"Told ya, it was just nerves," I sassed, sticking out my tongue jokingly.

Ashton smirked and I knew that couldn't be good. "You laugh now but I know you won't feel the same way when you return for your vaccinations next week."

Oh no.

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