Chapter 1

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                                                                     Little Red Riding Hood

             We have to start at the very beginning.

              You see I love the color red and when I say love I really mean love.I love it so much that when I was five I cut my finger on purpose,so I can see my favorite color coming out of my skin.My mother was angry at me and bandaged my injured finger. Whereas my father just shook his head slightly and smiled.He realized how brave I was.

              I really want to take red wherever I go. I don't have any red clothes.Just a plain,old,green dress and a filthy apron.

               I have a doll that had a red dress,I took with me to town once,but I lost it. My mother made another one for me and told me never to bring my doll outside of the house again.

               I love apples too,because their skin is my favorite color.But when I became hungry,I ate the apple and the color I love is gone.

                I tried to bring red roses with me too.But again they will wilt and die so that's out of the question.

               The day after my finger got cut,my parents were talking.I remember some of their conversation.

               "But she will be easily seen in the woods Robert!"said my mother.

                "True,but she will only be in town,"said my father.

               "Robert,I'm still not sure about this."

               "Don't worry dear there are men in town all the time,even in night."


                "Alright,i'll start working on it in the morning,"said my mother.

                The next day I didn't see mother all day.I went up to my father and ask, "Where is mother father?" My father smiled. "She's working on a project." "What is it?" I asked. "You will have to wait and see," he said.

                Two months went by and I finally see my mother again.She was holding a package. "Rosabella, your mother work hard on this to make you happy,"said my father.My mother smiled. "It was you father's idea,"she said. I open it and gasp with joy.

              It was a cute red dress with a little apron and red shoes,but what I love most of all is the red cloak with a hood.I love it.

              So ever since that day I have been wearing that outfit. Except on Sundays my mother force me to take it off and wear my plain,old dress while she wash my red dress and cloak. I used to fuss over that I don't get to wear it on that day,but now I'm use to it. I wear it so much people start calling me Little Red Riding Hood.

            I love my family very much. I live with my parents and my older brother Peter.I love my brother very much. One time I decided to go pick some roses. I was about to pick a rose,but I prick my finger on a thorn. I yelped in pain, then I started to cry. "What's wrong?" Peter asked as he came up to me. "The thorn hurt me,"I said wiping my tears. "If you want to pick roses, you have to be careful and avoid the thorns. Like this," he said and he was able to pick some. "Thank you Peter!" I said. "Your welcome!" he reply.Everyday is wonderful,but I hadn't realize that soon my life would change forever.

           One day we received a letter from my grandmother telling us that she has a fever and she is so ill that she can't get out of bed. We know what it means, it means she's unable to buy food.

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