Chapter 10

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The next day I was waiting for Rosabella,but she still hasn't arrived. Maybe she need to make a delivery before coming here I thought. I've waited for hours.When afternoon had come and she still not here. Something is wrong.

I went outside and into the woods. I went to the edge of the woods to the path where it leads to the village. I sat and waited.

I was about to decided to go to her house when suddenly I saw her walking down the path holding a basket of peaches. Nothing is wrong,so why then she is still doing deliveries? She told me if she had to do one she would only do one. What is going on here?

I hid behind the trees and follow her. She went to this house,deliver the peaches to this family,and left. I finally have a good look of her face. She looks solemn like she had no emotions,but I could see here eyes were red and swollen from crying. What happen?

From the looks on her face I knew I can't talk to her now. I will go to her window and wait for her.

Little Red Riding Hood

I am sorry,but I don't have the courage to tell Morrison. I thought I would do my deliveries and not go to the house. I hope he thought I was busy and just go home.

Only one problem with this plan he didn't went home. I saw him hiding beyond that tree,but I keep on going pretending I didn't see him.

I went home after I finish my last delivery and went to my room.

I just put down my basket when I heard a sound on my window. I look at my window to see a pebble hit my window and bounce off. I went over,open the window,and I saw Morrison. Oh no!

"Rosabella, we need to talk,"he said.

"I'm sorry Morrison. I can't right now I'm busy,"I lied.

Then all of a sudden Morrison jumped higher than any human can and land on my window still. Shoot. There's consequences for having a werewolf as your boyfriend.

He went into my room. "Now spill what's wrong?" he asked.

I just look at him and then I couldn't hold it anymore. I burst into tears and went into Morrison's arms.

"Oh Morrison. My mother had moved the wedding to tonight! We can never be together,"I said. I couldn't hold in my tears in anymore and they spilled down unto my face.

Morrison was quiet. I looked up at him. I could tell he is trying to find a way. "We will tell your mother our secret. That you don't love Christopher. You love me."

I sighed. He doesn't get it does he? "Morrison, in my village my people think your people are wolf demons. What will my mother think of that?"I said.

"No,we will run away and-"

"Morrison, listen running away won't solve anything,"I said.

"Rosabella, you don't mean we had to be parted?" he asked.

"I wish we couldn't,but we must,"I said.

Tears had spilled down Morrison's face too. He hugged me tightly. "I will miss you so much Rosabella. There would be no girl to replace you in my heart,"he said.

"And there would be no man to replace you in my heart too,"I said.

He pressed his lips against mine and give me a very passion kiss.

"Goodbye Rosabella,"he said.

"Goodbye Morrison,"I said.

He jumped out of my window and I watch him walk away. I try my best to hold in my tears. I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. I cannot meet him anymore,I cannot touch him anymore,and I cannot talk to him anymore.


I don't feel like running back to the den. I feel like walking. I do not believe this is happening. We had run out of time. My heart is shattering into a million pieces. I cannot meet her anymore,I cannot touch her anymore,and I cannot talk to her anymore.

When I got back to the den I was about to walk back to my favorite tree, when a werewolf named Duke came up to me. "Your father wants you,"he said.

I went into my father's den. "Yes,what is it father?" I asked. My father's back was to me. "I need to talk to you my son,"he said.

I could tell something is wrong. "What is it?" I asked.

"How can I put it this way? My son heir to the throne,path to ultimate power had become a traitor,"he said and he turn to face me.

I was confused. "What do you mean traitor?" I asked.

"You were gone longer than normal and we all know hunting doesn't take that long,so last night I send your cousin Rix to follow and spy you,"he said. Oh no.

"He told me he saw you joining a party full of humans then he saw you with Moulin,"he said.

As soon as I heard that I knew trouble is coming.

"He told me he hid behind other humans in human form hearing you and Moulin's conversation,so you have a secret girlfriend?"he said.

"What's wrong with having a girlfriend?"I said,hoping my voice sounded calm.

He look at me with a stern look. "Not only she is human,but Rix told me he want to know who is this girl you stare lovingly, who is engaged too. He ask around and want to know everything of her,"he continue.

He was quiet. Oh no. Had he figure out?

"He told me he found out her name is Rosabella and when she was seven years old she was rescued by a huntsman from the big bad wolf,"he said.

I could feel the color drain from my face. He did found out.

After all these years I now know where to find her and my very own son kept her from me,"he said smiling wickedly.

"Father,she did nothing. She only went to deliver food to her sick grandma, nothing else,"I said.

"That may be true,but she is supposed to be dead.I am supposed to have more power,so my son you had betray me,"he said.

Then he called,"Rix!"

Rix came into the den. "Yes, uncle?"

"Take your cousin into the wooden cage. I would take care of him after I finally eaten my prey,"he said.

I was shock. No! Not Rosabella!

"No, father! Don't do it!" I cried.

"I don't care what you think. She had humiliated me and I want revenge. Now if you don't mind I have a wedding to get to,"he said and he transform into his wolf form and left.

I tried to chase after him,but Rix and other werewolves hold me back.

I must get to Rosabella before it's to late! I felt somebody whack me and everything went black.

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