Chapter 15

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We stop for a little break. "So, where should we start looking for your father?"asked Christopher.

I thought for a moment. "Well, his target is Rosabella so that means..." Then it hit me.

"Oh no,"I said.

"What is it?" asked Christopher.

"The village! He thinks she's there,"I said.

"Then let's go before it's too late,"reply Christopher.

I helped him ran through the forest by having him on my back. As we were running I hoped with all my heart that my father hadn't done anything horrible.

When we have reached the village my worst fears have come true. The village is almost completely destroyed. Villagers are running away,screaming and I could see my father tearing the houses.

"Hey father!"I cried.

My father looked at us. "Well, well, looks like you escape where is your girlfriend?"he asked.

"Somewhere where you'll never find her!"I called out.

"So, she's not in the village, she can't be in the woods since..,"He stop and had a strange look on his face.Then he had a wicked smile spread on his face. "Of course where else could she be then her dear old grandma's place."

No! Before I could act, he went out of the village.

"We got to stop him before he gets there,"said Christopher.

"Christopher, is there a shortcut to get to Rosabella's grandmother?"I asked.

"Yes,but the reason why no one takes the shortcut because there is a rapid river,"he said.

I look around and spotted a horse. I went over and grabbed the horse's reins and lead it towards Christopher. "Ride on the horse and jump over the river. Once you get to her house get her out of there and take her to the house Rosabella and Moulin are in,"I explained.

He got on the horse and look at me.

"But what about you? What will you do?"he asked.

"I am going to distract my father now go!"I said.

He took off riding on the horse into the woods.

I run in my werefolk speed. I ran as fast as I could.

Then I could see my father several feet ahead of me. I push to my limits, sprinting. Once I have reach his side I step to the side,grabbed him,and push far in left into the forest.

Many trees snapped and came down as we ran into them.

We got separate and fell to the ground.

My father got up and look at me. "So, you want to stop me?" he asked.

"Yes,"I said.

"You are making a big mistake,"he said.

"I don't think so,"I reply and our battle began.

Little Red Riding Hood

Me and Moulin are waiting at the house. The thing is that the more minutes tick by the more I am getting worried about them,especially Morrison.

Moulin sat next to me."I know you are worry about them. I am worried about them too,but we must have faith in them and have hope that everything will be okay in the end,"she said.

I sighed. "I know,but I couldn't help,but worry." I couldn't stand it anymore! I stand up. "I am going to help them!"

"No! You must stay here remember Rosabella you are the target,"said Moulin.

"I know,but I feel stupid sitting here and doing nothing. Morrison had done so much for me, now it's my turn to do something,"I said.

"I know you want to help and all,but-"

Before she could finish her sentence there was a knock at the door.

I looked at Moulin. We both have the same fear. Did Alfred found me?

"Stay here,"said Moulin. She went up to the door,turn the knob,and open the door slowly.

There stood at the door was my grandmother and Christopher. "Grandmother! Christopher! It's so good to see you!" Then I was confused. "Christopher, why did you bring grandmother here? What happened and where's Morrison?"

"We figured out his father is at the village, once we got there Morrison got his attention then his father suspected you were at your grandmother's house. So to stop him before it's too late we split up. I went to the shortcut to your grandmother on a horse and Morrison went to distract his dad,"he explained.

"But where is Morrison now?" I asked.

"I don't know I-"

Suddenly we heard a snap then a tree crash.That doesn't sound good.

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