Chapter 13

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We search for hours in the woods. We look up every tree,behind every bush,and we even look under every log.

Where could she have gone? Rix told me she ran into the woods.

"Now what are we going to do?" Moulin asked.

There is only one option, to pray to God. "There is one person who can help us." I knelt down and prayed to God to help me find Rosabella before it's too late.

When I was done Moulin only said,"Oh," and look up at the sky.

Then I heard a bird singing. I looked and saw a cardinal bird. With its blood red feathers I know Rosabella will love this bird.

It look at me and sing a couple notes then it flew to the direction of the main path.

I gaped at it. How could I have been so stupid! I slapped my hand on my face. "How could I have been so stupid!" I said out loud.

"What do you mean?" asked Moulin. "Rosabella went to one place that she,you and I only know,"I said and pointed the direction of the main path.

"The house," whisper Moulin.

"Let's go,"I said and we raced to the direction of the house.

Little Red Riding Hood

I woken up from my sleep,feeling exhausted from the tears and everything that had happen.

I get off the bed and looked into the peeping hole. It is still night. I sighed with relief. I now know I am safe.

Even though I am safe there is still something that is still making me worried.

I gasped. Morrison! If Alfred found me then I will never be able to find him. I went outside and look all around and I have no clue where to find him.

Then I realized there is only one thing I can do, I knelt down and pray to God.

Once I had finished praying, I looked around again. Then I saw a cardinal. It look at me, than sang a few notes and flew to a rock a few feet away. Then it sing a few notes and flew to the next rock looking at me.

I realized this cardinal is the answer to my prayer. It is leading me to Morrison!

I ran after it as it flew away. I follow it through the woods.

It finally stop and landed on a tree. I realize we are in a meadow and the tree the cardinal landed on is an apple tree.

It peck on an apple until it fall on the ground. It flew and landed on the apple.

The apple reminded me of the first time me and Morrison met.

I smile at the memory. Then suddenly I heard a twig snapped. I spun around,worried that Alfred had found me. I could feel the sweat going down my face. I could see two figures in the shadows.

One of them step into the moonlight, it was Moulin!

She run up to me. "Rosabella! Thank goodness we found you!"she said.

I looked behind her to see who is the other person.The figure step out of the shadows and into the moonlight. It was Morrison.

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