Part 3; Get Out

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The Streets

Part 3; Get Out

**** - indicates Change of POV



Pacing round, I quickly picked up my purse as I stumbled to the front door. Answering the front door, my land lord Norman was stood there. Why was he here? I’d paid the rent and I wasn’t gonna pay anymore, at least he wasn’t gonna get anything out of me.

“What do you want Norman? I’ve got to go out…” I sighed trying to push past him as I shut the door.

“Tuff, I want you out the end of the day.” He demanded causing me to come to a hault.

“Wait, what do you mean? I’ve paid the rent like you told me to!” I admitted.

“Well I haven’t had it.” He sighed, I could see the look in his eye it was all lies.

“You’re lying aren’t you?” I asked.

“I’m not, not hurry along…as you can’t afford the rent, get out.” He demanded as I walked back towards the flat slowly.

“Fine!” I huffed, opening the front door and slammed the door shut. Taking a moment, I looked at the flat. This was gonna be a hell of a long day.


Pulling my cases and bags out of the door, I was struggling. Tears poured down my cheeks, I had nothing left now. Everyone just stood around and watched me struggle out, no one even bothered to help me. Walking away from the building, I didn’t know where to go. That’s when I got closer to the estate I knew inside and out, the estate where Mrs Martins lived. I rushed down her road, hoping I could get in. barging through the front door; she looked at me up and down. From the way she looked at me, it’s like she didn’t recognise me.

“It happened, he chucked you out…” She stated as I nodded. Quickly scanning her list she looked up and sighed.

“We’re fully booked hun, I’m sorry.” She apologised.

“Its ok, I’ll find somewhere else.” I sighed.

“Please stay safe, I’m here if ya need me.” She admitted.

“Thank you for trying Mrs Martins, I appreciate it anyway.” I said, putting on a brave smile before picking up my bags and cases and walking out. Its amazing how such a girl like me, who used to live on the posh estate with all the money can suddenly change and have nothing. But I know how that feels now.


Running for cover, I went straight to the undercover market. The weather was manic, what happened to it being summer ay? Wiping the water off my face, I pulled my bags and case around the market as the stall owners said hello. All of them knew me round here, from either knowing me or my parents before they moved. That’s when I came to two of my favourite stalls; I say there my favourite because of the people that own them as well as loving the stuff they sell.

“Well look that it is, Miss Mollie Allen. Haven’t seen you round here in a few weeks, what’s with all the bags?” Sam asked. Sam was a good friend of my dads and his wife, Sarah, a friend of my mums. The two of them owned the sweet stall as well as the clothes stall, the ones me and my 16 year sister Leanne loved coming to on a Saturday.

“I’ve just got chucked out the flat after I lost my job over being late because of my final exams. He claimed he hadn’t got my rent where I put it where he told me to…” I explained.

“Well I’m sorry we can’t offer you a place to stay hun.” Sarah interrupted.

“Don’t worry, I can find a place I’m sure.” I sighed.

“Look if there’s a time you need some food we’re here, sure these lot can feed ya.” Sam laughed aiming at the stalls around me.

“Thanks, will probably be back in the next few days anyway so will see ya then!” I called walking away as I felt something get chucked at my head. Looking over towards the fruit and vegetable stall I noticed Zac, a long term friend/family friend of mine.

“Oi, don’t ignore me bitch!” He called.

“Next time don’t hit me with a damn apple then I might not.” I replied chucking the apple back at him.

“How’s college though? And where ya off to?” He asked.

“Going well…” I began.

“And I’ll explain next time I’m over.” I added walking away.

“Fine and you owe me extra hugs next time.” He sighed.

“Ok, see you later darling. See you all soon.” I shouted to all the market staff.

“BYE MOLLIE!” They all roared.

“Bye gorgeous!” Zac called.

“Love you darling…” I replied blowing him kisses; the two of us just love to have a joke.


It was getting cold, it was getting dark and it was getting later. Sitting on a park bench, I had no where to go, no money to spend, no one to call. Everything seemed so quiet and peaceful, no one was around now. Although it was a Friday night, it didn’t seem as busy as usual. Soon coming down the road, there was a recognisable face. It was Louis, coming down the road dressed as though he’d just been out for a night. He took a seat next to me and didn’t say a work.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“For you to come and stay at my house for the night…” He replied.

“What? Why?” I questioned.

“I heard you haven’t had a place all day, you can honestly come to mine and stay. The girls love you as it is and sure mum wouldn’t mind.” He offered.

“No Louis, I’ll stay here honestly.” I insisted.

“Fine…” He sighed and turned away from me.

“If it makes you happy then fine BUT just for one night, I don’t want to pressure your mum to stick up with yet another girl for weeks.” I admitted. I could see the excitement and celebration in his eyes, it was adorable.

“Now come on, lets get you inside. oh and I’ll take those bags.” He admitted giving me a cheeky wink before taking my 2 suitcases, while I took my hand bag. It wasn’t long before he set me a bed up on the sofa and made me a cup of tea. As I slowly started to fall asleep, I could feel Louis stare on my body yet it didn’t make me feel that uncomfortable. Was he gonna do something?



Watching her slowly fall asleep, I crept slowly back and kissed her cheek. Was I right to do that even if I didn’t love her? Did I need to get to know her better? I guess we’d just have to wait and see.

That’s part 3, sorry its taken like forever! Had a bit of a tuff weekend, but feedback please – Molls xx

The Streets - A Louis Tomlinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now