Part 15; One Last Bow

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The Streets

Part 15; One Last Bow

Tonight was the night, our only and last chance we will ever has a group to show the world what we are made off. After this everything could be over, for the group, for our community, for me. We were up against Jack and his group and I was really hoping that we had a chance, by the sounds of it anyway. We weren’t able to watch their performance, because as always it was a private thing. So we took to the stage for last time and yes, we were scared as hell. But after all we went back to the beginning to shock the nation with our first ever performance for a change.

“For one last time everybody…its Unknown Of The Streets!” Ant and Dec called as we took our places quickly. The music started to play as we took to the stage for the last time. We dance our hearts out before it then came to a close and we joined Ant and Dec at the side of the stage.

“Wasn’t that fantastic?!” Ant asked. As they trailed on the show came to a close and from there it was just a waiting game.


Having patiently waited for nearly 24 hours, we were still waiting for that final result. Simon had rushed off to be with the 1D boys as they were performing there final tonight meaning we had the chance to watch it live back stage. Like us, they were lucky to be in the top 3 and it was now down to their final result. Clenching my fists as we waited patiently, all the lights went down as we stood at the side of the stage.

“Going home tonight will be….” Dermot began as I bit my lip.

“One Direction.” He added. The colour drained from their faces, there smiles turned in to frowns, those sparkling eyes turned in to water filled eyes. It was heartbreaking seeing them like that, I just broke down myself. They said there last good byes before Simon was rushed off stage and I was dragged backwards, I didn’t care if our show was starting in half an hour…I rushed over to Louis and hugged him tightly.

“I love you, I’m so proud of you…” I whispered as tears spilled on to his shirt.

“Don’t worry about me…go out on to that stage and make sure you win, we’ll be there don’t worry.” Louis whispered as his voice cracked, his tears falling on to my shoulder. My feet were placed on the group as I kissed his cheek and rushed off to my own show.


Standing backstage holding tightly on to the hands of Maz and Andy we waited patiently with Simon for our que to go on stage. It was nerve racking. As soon as it was our que we walked on to the stage with Simon in front, fellow judge Ed Sheeran was with Jacks group…our rivals. The lights went down as the crowd fell silent. I ran my hand through my hair as we waited patiently.

“And the winner is…” Ant started, everyone could see the panic in my eyes. This meant more than anything in the world to me and the team new that more than anyone.

“ADVENTURE DANCE!” Ant and Dec shouted. My heart dropped as I felt a few tears stream down my face. Jacks team seemed shocked though, something didn’t seem right. I mean shouldn’t they be partying and celebrating? Giving them a brief smile, I ran of stage, through the guards and out on to the top of the building. The crisp winter sun was just setting over London as everyone was tuned in to the show, I could see it on the nearby flats and everyone was glued to their screens. Everyone was cheering of Adventure Dance, as I just cried my eyes out. A nearby flat showed my exit with Andy and Maz following on the TV, no cameras followed they just continued the show.

“Mollie…” Andys voice whispered as him and Maz stood next to me.

“Come back please.” He begged.

“Why? It’s over anyway, what else can I say?” I asked, tears pouring down my face and I turned away from the nearby flat to face Andy and Maz.

“What you see on that TV is nothing, they need you back…Adventure Dance have something to tell us but you need to come back.” Maz pleaded. It took a while of begging before they dragged me back to the stage and the crowd cheered. As much as I waited, nothing exciting happened till Jack appeared behind me with his trophy, come to boost has he?

“This is for you and your team, it wasn’t fair, aren’t we meant to be a team anyway?” He asked. I could feel the sides of my face turn up, but I turned the trophy away.

“Oh come on Mollie…this isn’t fair, you deserve this more than anyone. I don’t want it, I only did this for you….” He pleaded stuffing the trophy in to my hands as he walked away.

“Jack….its not mine, its not yours, its ours.” I shouted, by now all cameras on us. The crowd cheered as me and Jack hugged before being lifted of our feet. I noticed Louis in the crowd as he blew me a kiss.

“WE’RE BACK!” I screamed as the music played one more time.

That’s the final part…feedback please? – Molls xx

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