Part 9; Meet Me

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The Streets

Part 9; Meet Me

*please read the note at the end.*

Pulling my case behind me, I cuddled in to Louis chest as we walked in to the train station. Finally it was time to go home, even it did mean being at the train station for 8am. But it was all gonna be worth it when we got there, I mean I was a tad to excited. Nobody knew I was coming, only my mum so it would be quite a shock for my sister and family as they were all coming over for my dads 40th party which was tonight. With that, I was his surprise for the night and apparently entertainment that’s why all the gang were coming up tonight ready for when the party started at 7pm, we were on just after. For now, it was home time. We walked up the steps and pulled our cases with us as we reached the platform.

“You nervous about today then?” Louis asked as a train pulled up.

“Very nervous, yet extremely excited. it seems like I’ve waited forever for this, but it has been 6 very long months and I’m so damn glad to be going home.” I explained.

“Its not exactly home is it?” Louis said, looking confused as we jumped on the train.

“Well, it is really. I was born and raised in Newcastle, I moved down to London when I was in year 4. After that I lost my accent, but it comes out when it has to.” I replied.

“And that’s something new…” He laughed.

“You learn something new everyday sweetie.” I whispered kissing his check as we pulled out the train station.


Touch down finally. No one realised how happy I was to have arrived back in Newcastle, it had been way to long since I’d been back. What made it even better is surprising my little sister, but I was in for a shock my self. We had checked in to our hotel and literally ran down the road like idiots as my Geordie accent really started to come out. Being back was really nice though, it really brought out the real me and seeing all the locals was great as well. It was just then I arrived outside home as I saw a very familiar face watering the front garden.

“3…2…1…” I whispered turning to Louis.

“OI JOSH!” I called as the body spun round only to spray both me and Louis with the hose. The both of us screamed trying to block the water.

“Oh my god…” my brother mumbled.

“Josh, turn the damn hose of and yes its your sister.” I laughed as he turned the hose off.

“Alright, if you’re my sister show me the routine you did to this song…” He demanded as I jumped over the fence only for him to hit play on ‘Hottest Girl In The World’ by JLS. As I dance crowds appeared, boys whistled and I got some shocking looks. It was only for me to finish on a triple back flip.

“Well hello sister.” My brother laughed pulling me in for a hug, it was good to be home.


We both sat hiding in the cupboard waiting for her to come. I heard her voice as she walked through the door, it was so easy to recognise. As the footsteps walked past I stuck y head out the cupboard only for Louis to balance on top off me. Leanne was standing in the kitchen with her back to me talking to mum, perfect. Just as I moved Louis slipped on to my back making me squeal slightly. At that moment Leanne turned round to find me on the floor with Louis behind me.

The Streets - A Louis Tomlinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now