Part 8; Mine

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The Streets

Part 8; Mine

She sat there watching me as I danced away taking note of every step I took, paying close attention to what was right and what was wrong. By every step I took, she looked amused as she loved the sight of what I did with my dance. By the time I stopped the music, she seemed shocked…stunned almost. You could see her taking notes, its like she wanted to learn something new. Once the music stopped, I took a deep breath and a gulp of water.

“Can I please dance like you?” Lottie asked as I ran my hand through my hair.

“It takes years of practice hunny, but start now and you’ll be ready I’m sure.” I admitted.

“Could you teach me then? I’d love to be like you.” She begged as I sat down on the floor next to her.

“How about you come along to summer camp with me then? It’s a good friend of my mums that owns it, I’ve been a leader there since I was 14 after they saw what I could do.” I suggested.

“That would be amazing, I know Liams friends go there after I met them years ago.” She explained.

“You will love it, it’s all about singing, dancing, acting and instruments…the things you will love.” I said.

“Where do I start?” She beamed. Things were about to get better.


The both of us ran through the front door and sat giggling on the floor in the hallway. Everyone in the house came rushing in to the hall way in panic mode. It was by then we had both collapsed on the floor in fits of laughter and we just couldn’t control it. Louis pulled the both of us up of the floor just as we managed to contain our laughter.

“Whats up with you two?” Louis asked as we burst out laughing again. Jay and Louis just looked at each other not even sure what to say. I finally took a deep breath and managed to calm down a bit.

“Well when we were coming out of the dance studio, there were these 5 guys messing around and as soon as they saw us in our dance gear and they tried to impress us by doing some dances moves. They all ended up failing; it was so funny if you were there. It was obvious they wanted us.” I explained.

“You two do, do some of the weirdest things.” Jay sighed shaking her head.

“That’s just us!” Lottie said laughing. They all walked back in to the living room as Louis kept me behind.

“You still up for tonight?” He asked giving me a smile.

“Of course I am Louis! I can’t wait.” I admitted before making my way upstairs.

“Where you off to so quick?” He blurted.

“To get ready for tonight…don’t worry.” I replied smiling at him as he winked at me.


Putting the phone down, I sighed and opened up my laptop. The first place I went was the internet; it looks like I’ll need some train tickets for Newcastle. Oh yes that was right, I was going home for a very long weekend next weekend after all I deserve it will all these exams at the moment. As I looked them up Louis appeared in my room giving me a big smile.

“Thought you were getting ready.” He sighed.

“Mum was on the phone, now I’m booking myself a ticket to Newcastle.” I explained as Louis’ face filled with fear.

“Don’t worry, I’m not leaving you forever. its only for next weekend since I’ve got a long weekend.” I added.

“Well that will be nice; your family sound so nice.” He said.

“Yeah, it will be something different and rather emotional after 6 months of not seeing them.” I sighed writing down train times on my note pad. That’s when Louis fell all silent, he wanted something from me.

“Louis…” I began as he looked up at me as his face lit up.

“Do you want to come to Newcastle with me then?” I added smiling.

“Need to keep ya company don’t I?” He laughed walking out.

“I’ll take that as a yes then…” I called.

“YES! As long as you take 5 minutes to go over that dance with me?” He asked sticking his head round the door.

“Come on then…” I signalled putting the music on as we started to begin our piece. He was getting better and better at this.


He looked at me and smiled, but I couldn’t help but giggle as the both of us ended up in fits of laughter again. We hadn’t stopped all night, you know just being ourselves. Just getting to know him like I have has made me fall for him so much more. The two of us linked arms as I wrapped my jacket around me.

“Thank you for tonight Louis, I really enjoyed it.” I said as we waked up his road.

“That’s alright, its been a pleasure hanging out with you.” He admitted as we came to his house.

“I would love to do it again another time, just not with as many alcoholic drinks.” I laughed as he got out his door key.

“You were hilarious though and you were just yourself as well, you should get drunk more often.” He admitted.

“Don’t Lou! That isn’t the worse I’ve been, just never take me clubbing…it will get worse especially with if I’m with Sian, Mollie and the rest of the girls.” I explained.

“Well why don’t we go sometime this week before you go to Newcastle? Even if you don’t drink a lot, it will be nice to see you have fun. The boys could come and all the girls, everyone.” He suggested as we walked inside his house.

“I’ll take the chance, but you’ll be picking me up off the floor ok? Don’t say you haven’t been warned!” I warned making my way of upstairs.

“Alright, you off to bed then?” He asked you could tell there was more he wanted to say though.

“Yes, its been a very long week but I very much look forward to next week.” I sighed.

“Could I ask you something before you go?” He asked as I stepped down a step and nodded.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He whispered. That’s when I heard small, queit screams from behind me. we all knew that answer then.

That’s part 8, feedback please and sorry for slow updates – Molls xx

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