Part 10; Hometown

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The Streets

Part 10; Hometown

Tossing and turning, I finally rolled over only for me to under on the floor…lovely. Scrambling up off the floor, I still had a headache from last nights events. Alright I had a few drinks, but I was saving myself for tonight and today was a big day as well. Newcastle was gonna be pretty shocked by today’s events, no one knew what was going to happen…well only I did.  But then again, I guess the gang knew as well, this was there plan as well not just mine.

“BOO!” Suddenly came a voice behind me, snapping me out of my day dream as I spun round to see Louis in front of me.

“LOUIS!” I shrieked.

“Well good morning to you to gorgeous.” He laughed, pulling me closer to him.

“Don’t do that to me Louis!” I sighed hugging him.

“Sorry babe…but look, what are you up to today? Fancy showing me around this ‘hometown’ of yours?” He asked.

“You’re getting shown around, just not by me.” I admitted as he kissed my neck. He suddenly pulled away and looked shocked.

“What do you mean not by you?” He asked.

“You’ll have to wait and see…” I giggled walking in to the bathroom and switching on the shower, this was one hell of a day.



I was starting to get worried, she’d just left me with her mum and sister then said she had to rush off. She seems very suspicious this morning and now I’m really confused, I have no idea what is going to happen. Everyone looked as though they could carry on normal, but I had this vibe that something wasn’t right. Suddenly Leanne, Mollies sister dragged me to a café where we sat down outside while her mum got drinks. This café over looked the local square, the placement didn’t seem right…something was gonna happen. It was then, a group of teenagers just froze before bursting in to a slow motion move, then the music hit to it. For a moment, no one knew what was going on everyone just watched in amazement. Someone tapped my shoulder, only for me to realise I was in the middle of a group of dancers. From there, everybody started to spread out. This group of people were flying everywhere. It was then everyones attention turned to something else, and then the group had gone. They a left a sign, ‘The Streets Never Die, Beware of the Unknown.’ What did it mean?

“What happened there?” I asked Leanne.

“You’ll see in a bit, now come on theres more sights to see.” She replied as I followed, this family was up to something but there was still no Mollie.

“Where are you?” I text her, only for me to get an instant reply.

“See you at the next destination…keep your eyes open.” She instructed. Now I was getting more suspicious.



We could do this forever and no one would notice who we are, they would just report us when we’re doing it with permission. Louis hadn’t even recognised me or any of the gang, even after tapping on his shoulder.  Now we were on our finally stop, they had to know who we were now and it was gonna be one big ending. The boys looked at me up and down as I put on my baseball style jacket and snap back.

“You don’t how lucky your boyfriend is!” Tom admitted.

“I love him to bits, but you guys can always find a girl it will take time.” I sighed toughing up my make-up.

“Make sure that no matter what happens, you’ll always come back to us though.” Mitch said.

“Of course I will, you’re like my brothers to me how can I not?” I asked.

“Aww! Our girl never changes.” Mitch laughed wrestling me to the ground.

“Come on you two, we’ve got a show to put on.” Matt demanded. Me and Mitch smiled at each other before making our way out to the main stage as we would call it. We were ready for the finale.


Flipping right over his head, I landed on my feet with one hand on the ground just how I wanted to. The music stopped and the crowd cheered as we disappeared one more time. It was then the crowd was chanting our name, shouting for us to come back. We crept out as completely different people now, it was then I noticed Louis in the crowd. I stood next to him before whispering something in his ears.

“Hey, what’s all the crowd about?” I whispered before disappearing again. His head snapped round, searching for me he knew that was my voice…that it was me. it was just then all of us from the new formation of the streets, now know as The Crew Of Hidden Streets, took centre stage in to forming who we really were.

“They say the streets never die…” Began the boys who then sunk down to the ground.

“They say beware of the unknown…” Added the girls who soon joined the boys.

“But I say, we are the crew of hidden streets.” I admitted before the crowd cheered. We chucked the flyers out about the news of us going on this new TV show, hopefully we’d get some support now. Louis literally jumped in to the crowd  and hugged me.

“You are so secretive….” He whispered.

“But at times, you can say I’m worth it all.” I laughed before kissing him.

“Now you ready for a fun night out on the streets of good old Newcastle?” I asked as he nodded. This was gonna be fun, or was it gonna get ruined?


The music was blaring out and everyone was having fun, including Louis. To be with my friends, back with my brother and having a night out with my boyfriend was just how I liked it. Me and Louis took the time out to get a drink, as I jumped up on the bar one of the bar men recognised me.

“Oi, Miss Allen…move that sexy ass of yours of my bar.” Luke laughed. He was an old school friend of mine, one who knew me inside and out.

“Would you like to introduce me then?” Louis suggested as I jumped off the bar.

“Maybe…of course, Louis this is Luke my very old friend from primary school, Luke meet Louis my boyfriend.” I introduced with a broad smile.

“Wow girl, you’ve moved on well then from Jack as I see.” Luke said stunned.

“You heard then?” I asked as I felt a body behind me, but it wasn’t Louis’.

“Who doesn’t?” He sighed biting his lip as he signalled behind me as I felt someone pinch my ass. Spinning around, Jack was stood there as Louis instantly put his arm around my waist.

“Moving fast are we?” Jack sniggered.

“I’ll go how I like, because I’m doing better without.” I sighed holding tightly to Louis. You could tell Louis could feel my tension, I just wanted to run.

“Nobody like you deserves to be dating such a slut like you!” He added.

“On 3…” I whispered. The nod came and we were gone. All of us literally ran out the club before Jack could do anymore. this was how we rolled, I just didn’t know Jack wanted more from me.

That’s part 10, sorry its taken forever! But yes, my holiday was lovely and I’ve had an awful time at the moment due to school and stuff, long story, feedback please -Molls x

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