Chapter 14: Oh No She Didn't!

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  • Dedicated to AshKatHarpy and aziedirectioner!

Kat held her phone in her hand, staring down at the screen. She was re-reading the messages Nate had sent her and was trying to supress a surge of excitement. This was perfect! She wished she could show the others, but she was pretty sure that Nate wanted her to keep it a secret. To be honest, it wasn’t exactly the kind of thing that you told someone and then hoped that they would share it with the entire school. Kat stuffed her phone into her bag and headed towards the oval. She would normally hang back so that she could talk to Nate without the others knowing. The reason that she was talking to him was to see how things were going between him and Holly, but she also found it nice to hear about what was happening at Cave Hill. She sighed and took a bite out of her lunch. As she walked down the stairs, she overheard some girls whispering about someone being sent home from Cave Hill. Kat slowed down her walking and leaned towards them a little bit, her curiosity forcing her to eavesdrop.

“Haven’t you heard? Lili got sent home because she cheated in the triathlon!” One girl whispered in excitement. Kat felt her interest increase and slowed down until she was almost walking.

“Apparently she told her team that she was going to put up a tripwire where people would be running. She showed them where it was so that they wouldn’t trip though. Then, during the race, almost everyone fell over! Apart from the person that was running for her team. Sadly for her though, when it was the teachers versus students, the teacher that was running tripped and found the wire. They asked all the students to tell them who was responsible or they would all go home. Lili’s team ratted her out and she got sent home!”

Kat swore silently. Of all the people that had to come back, why did it have to be Lili? It did sound like something that she would do though. Kat resumed her walk. When she reached the oval, she was greeted by the sight of Jack pulling Hayley’s hair. Her vision went red and the next thing she knew she was tearing across the grass towards them. She pulled Hayley free and shoved Jack backwards. She then grabbed his annoyingly long fringe and gave it a strong tug. Jack lurched forwards and winced in pain. “Don’t hurt my best friend!” Kat growled at him, before releasing his hair. Jack glared at her, but made no further comment.

“Well Kat, I see that you’re still as violent and bitchy as ever!” A voice called out. Kat put up an emotional barrier and removed all emotion from her face.

“Why hello Lilli, nice to see that you got out of the drawers of your vanity table, oh wait, I forgot, it’s never nice to see you.” Kat told her. Kat sensed Hayley moving to stand next to her and out of the corner of her eye noticed Sky and Brad glowering at Lili.

Lili gave Kat a scornful look, like, is that the best you’ve got? Lili’s posse was standing all around her, their faces caked with layer upon layer of make-up. Kat could recognise some from Year 6, such as Talon, Kimberley, Lindsey and Nichole. Lili smirked at Kat. “What class are you in again? Oh right, rehab.” Her posse sniggered as Lili started Kat down. However, Kat was very difficult to stare down and when her eyes met Lili’s she saw a flicker of nervousness flicker through her eyes. It was quickly replaced by confidence though. Kat smirked slightly. How cute, the little slut thinks she’s won already.

“Nah 7H, what about you, I heard that you were in class slut,” Kat responded, her tone of voice sounding bored. She felt her ADHD sending shockwaves of nervous energy through her body and hoped that she wasn’t speaking quickly. It could be taken as a sign of nerves. Lili looked shocked and for a second her facial armour broke down. It was quickly put back up however, although when she spoke next she was stuttering slightly.

“Yeah…well…if I’m a slut then…you are an attention seeker. Using your condition as an excuse to be uncontrollable in class and using it to make people pity you. Why didn’t you tell your new friend about your ADHD?”

Kat rolled her eyes. She could see Azie looking at her in confusion and hoped that she didn’t take it personally that Kat hadn’t told her yet. Kat took a few steps towards Lili, until they were only about a metre and a half away from each other. “I was planning on telling Azie thank you very much, but unlike you, I don’t go too fast in my relationships.” Kat snarled. Lili’s eyes widened slightly as Kat continued. “Oh and in my book, attention seeking is the equivalence of looking like you’ve missed your shift as a clown for some poor kid’s party. Like you and your group!”

Lili looked shocked and angry as Kat gave Hayley a high-five. Lili huffed and turned around to leave, but stopped suddenly and turned back to them. She had a nasty smile on her face and Kat felt a tiny bit of dread. “At least my parents aren’t split up.” Lili spat. Kat saw red and launched herself at Lili, her only thought to rip the head off that slimy little slut. Suddenly, however, strong arms wrapped around her, holding her back. Kat fought and fought, but whoever it was didn’t let go.

“LET ME AT ‘ER! JUST ONE HIT!” She turned around to attempt to spit in the eye of the person keeping her from revenge, but when she saw their face she realised that it was Sky. He looked down at her and Kat felt a weird tingle in her stomach when their eyes met. She ceased fighting and he gently placed her back on the ground. Kat looked down in surprise. She hadn’t even realised that she hadn’t been touching the ground! She turned around and saw Lili walking away with the rest of her group, their laughter like the harsh cries of a flock of seagulls. She sighed, before turning to Azie.

“By the way, I have ADHD and my parents are split up.” She told her, before running to the bathroom, not wanting to let anyone see the tears that had built up in her eyes.  


This chapter was based on one of AshKatHarpy 's stories, The Monster Known As High School. She let me use her script, so no one copied anyone, ok?

Hope you liked it!

MolHargo 😉👊

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