1 • Prologue

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I really hope you enjoy this new imagine series, it's very different to my regular ones it being a more realistic sort of thing, well this ain't really realistic, but I mean more that the mcu I was doing before.
Also apologies if I get any grades or school years (like junior, senior, 10th grade) wrong, I'm English so I use things like year 11 and six form shit like that. But im going to try stick to American terms ;)


"DAD!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face.

My dad could deal with having a drink here and there, but this wasn't just casual drinking, this was 'drink to get drunk' drinking. He was getting way too violent and there was no way I could stop it.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He shouted back, pushing my mother, causing her to collapse to the floor. Although tears were pouring down my cheeks I stood still, trying to stand my ground, trying to be strong when my mum couldn't. He stomped over to me in anger that I hadn't moved, stopping only a few inches away from my face.

"Don't you lay a finger on her." I commanded, gritting my teeth and clenching my jaw.

As I requested he didn't touch my mum, instead he decided to swing for me. I dropped to the floor quickly from the power of the punch, sending me unconscious immediately.

The next morning, everything was different, when I got up the downstairs that was usually filled with shouting from my parents was now quiet. I didn't want to get up, but I needed to for school and yes, I hated school, but anywhere would be better than here.

"Hun, we're moving. Pack your things." My mum said very blankly. I felt a wave of relief go over me but her next words just destroyed me. "Our family needs a new start, which means all of us y/n. You, me and your dad."

I felt my face drop even more, if that was even possible. "W-what?" I barely made out, realising dad was going to be coming with us.

"I'm sorry baby, just please." She apologised, her eyes starting to become glassy and red. "I know it's not what you wanted, I know. He promised me that he'd stop. I won't let him hurt you ever again." She added, a tear now escaping.

She sounded heart broken, I knew she was broken too, having to watch what happened last night. She was hurt as much as I was, probably more, thinking that it was her fault.

Maybe this move was a needed change though. I did love my dad and so did my mum, he just got too carried away sometimes. If it could help our family be wholesome again, I'd do anything.

I eventually nodded and pulled my mum into a much needed hug, as she cried into my shoulder. She released after a few minutes with a slight smile on her face however he puffy eyes were still very noticeable. I was confused why she was smiling but soon enough she answered my question. "Noahs going to be living with us too." She said in tears of joy. "You'll be going to school together, just like old times."

"We're going to America?" I asked, my eyes now tearing up in joy too. "I've missed him so much, wow I'm so excited."

I pulled her in for one more hug before leaving to go pack upstairs.


"Noah!" I cried, running towards my brother, dropping my bags, as he held out his hands running to me too. We met in the middle as he picked me up slightly and spun me around.

"God I missed you." He mumbled, eventually putting me down. Me and Noah were twins, so being away from each other for almost a year was torture. He wanted to start six form (junior year) at a different school, he couldn't deal with mum and dad fighting all the time, but as much as I missed him I felt like I had to stay home and help my mum out.

"Me too." I smiled largely.

After we all got out the airport, we drove to our new house. Noah had been staying in a small apartment before but he decided he wanted to live with us to help our family come together again, at least until school ends.

"Wow this place is big." Noah emphasised as parked in the driveway.

He was right, the house was giant

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He was right, the house was giant. It looked to be three stories but still homely, with tones of windows and a large garage, that was all hidden away by trees and a gate that locked, it was odd because our last house only just fit us all in. I was completely shocked. "How is it so big??" I asked.

"Well, your dads new job here in America is very well paid, they said they'd help us out with the house too." She smiled, admiring the amazing house. Noah expression seemed to change, I guess it was the mention of dad, him acting like dads helped us out even though he started all this.

After walking inside, me and Noah went upstairs, checking out he bedrooms and who could get the best one.

"I Bagzi this one!" He yelled, running into a room and jumping onto the neatly made bed.

I laughed at him and walked around the floor a little more. I found more stairs and decided to go up, leading to the top floor, there were two large bedrooms at each sides of the stairs, one light grey and burgundy, making it look very grand and the other also grey and dark blue.

"NOAH!" I called for him. I heard him run up the stairs quickly, probably thinking I was being murdered. "Look!" I said before he could even ask where the axe murderer was.

"Okay never mind I want this one." He chuckled entering the blue room.

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