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Jimin's pov

"Chimchim! Is that your mate?!?" I turn around to see my little sister, still excited and jumpy as usual.

She's also smiling and being cheerful, I remember one time she was about to cry because mom would go into the castle and no one would let her go and our father still took us hunting.

We decided to bring her along with us but she didn't want to.

Silly heads! How am I gonna protect the house if I'm with you guys? What is a meanie tries and comes to take all of our stuff?

I'll stay right here and make sure no one tries to come and take our stuff!

We didn't have much of really anything. Just some clothes, a fire place and just some beds made of hay with some cloth on top of it.

I highly doubted that anyone would even bother to take our stuff but then we heard our father calling me.

She giggled and pushed me towards father. "Don't worry Chimchim, I'll be fine! I pinky promise!"

She even held onto my pinky with hers. I only sighed and kissed her forehead before running of so I don't get lost, all though we don't go too far from the house.

By the time we came back, it was almost dark, and I could hear faint sniffles. Kookie ran in and I followed after him and father walked in with a cough. He was getting to be sick at the time and our mom was the only person who could help with that.

"Why are you crying Seo?" Fathers voice boomed but only because it made his throat sore.

"Mommy....." Even though it was faint. You could it crystal clear. Our king at the time was cruel. He would always find a way to stalk all the women of the town.

So we ran away from the village and started life over again but somehow he found us.

Of course she had to lie to Seo, she would've gone with her and the king would've corrupted her at the time.

"Don't worry sweetie. You'll see her again." She hugged my fathers leg, and he picked her up and spun around, which made her giggle.

"Now now, your mother would hate to see you cry. What did your mother always call you? Sunrise? Morning sun?"

"Silly dad! She called me sunshine! She would call you the moon and Chimchim and Kookie the stars!"

"That's right. And does the sun cry? Or does it make people happy and smile?"

"Happy and smiles!"

"That's right. And the sun makes everything shine bright."

"That's not right."

"Oh really?"

"We all shine bright together!"

She alway would do that. Whenever we couldn't sleep at night she would always awake up and just try to stay awake till me and Kookie both fell asleep.

I don't see how she did ever fall asleep. Our father would snore so loudly I never could hardly sleep.

But I could always somehow sleep when she would wake up late at night and even drag Kookie just to sleep with us.

All three of us would just bundle up next to father, only because he hogged the fire place and somehow, we all would just fall asleep right then and there.

"He sure is Seo."

"He's adorable! Oh I'm Min-Seo nice too meet you! I gotta go before Kookie gets to the garden or else I have to cook for him for a weeek!"

She ran off while giggling, I don't see why she would hate cooking. Mom taught her how to cook, I guess that things have changed a lot since then and she doesn't know how anything really works.

"Is she always this cheerful?"

"She's been like that ever since she was born."

"Wait you guys have a garden here?"

"We sure do."

"Can we see it? Well after I actually had some real food?"

"Of course we can."

Taehyung's pov

Really me and Seo were playing hide and seek with Kookie. I hide in the pond, just cuz that and I like it.

Seo hide behind a tree, I would come up for air and she would tell me when to go down.

She pointed down and so I did, if he caught me first then my ass is dead within a second.

But by the time I look up, I see him, aw fuck!

He reached down and pulled me up and giggled while holding my wrist. "The pond darling? Are you trying to get sick again?"

"W-Where else w-was I suppose t-to hide?! Y-You practically c-can fund me n-no matter where I h-hide!"

I whined but then shivered. "Tell you what. Help me find Seo and I'll spare your butt."

"N-Never! I don't s-snitch!"

He pulled me up more and groped my butt, making me moan loudly. "Then I guess you won't mind if I destroy you."

"Why are you touching his butt like that Kookie?"

Seo came from behind the tree with a confused look on your face. Oh lord this child is beyond innocent! JIMIN HELP KEEP THE CHILD INNOCENT!

"Kookie.....don't even try it." There was Jimin, with another male but he was just looking around and wandering the garden.

"You guys have a lot of flowers."

"W-Who's that J-Jimin?"

He giggled but the boy just whined but ignored him. "My mate."

"Took you long enough."

"Yah! That's only because I'm patient!"

"What's his name?"

"Min Yoongi."

"Well have to change that to Jeon Yoongi soon."

"I already told him."

"S-So does t-that make me J-Jeon Taehyung?"

"Sure does darling."

"Awww, no fair! Now both my brothers have mates."

"You'll find one. I know you will."

"Hey, how about Hoseok? You both are like two bright sunshine's."

"Who's that?"

"A really good friend of ours."

"Can I meet him?"

"Course you can."

"Yoongi, wanna get to know Taehyung and Kookie?"

"If I'm gonna live here, I might as well."

"Come Seo, let's go meet Hoseok, I'm sure you'll remember him. You two were always inseparable when you two first met."


"She's way too innocent for this."

Yoongi joked while just sitting in a field of blue roses.

"Yoongi, can i ask a question?"

"How did I meet your brother?"

"You read my mind."

"Well, long story short, some guys tried to fight me, which almost got me killed and he saw me and turned me."

"He would do that. But you do have the same mark as him so that's alright."

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