Final Chapter PT1

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This will be the last chapter for this book and then I will start the squeal for this book.

I hope al of you have enjoyed this book. I had fun writing this and I wonder how the squeal will turn out :)


Jin's pov

I won't lie. I had fun hiding away from Jungkook and Jimin. Hearing how they would always talk about me and just wondering where I could be all these years if quite amusing.

It's true, u was traveling a lot of the time. It was fun and amusing to see the world change.

How humans are just so overcome by popularity and power and social status and who's best. It's always so amusing to see how they will give up the most important things in life for something that is really important.

The love for one another and the trust between each of them. That's the o my thing that is truly dead and it's just so sad but, not even I can help change their minds.

I made it back to our hometown, just sitting in a small café that wasn't so busy. But it look all rundown and beat up in the outside, mainly just to keep mortals out.

"Hey! I'm talking to you smarty! Why leave me?!"

I look over to see a male just looking st a male with a very annoyed and furious look on his face. It's obvious that he's a half vampire. One of his eyes are turning red behind his shades. 

"I told you

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"I told you. I don't need you to keep talking about your Social popularity all the time. I told you before we even started dating and that's all you seem to care about no matter what I do. I don't see why I need to waste my time and effort to make you happy when you won't even return the favor."

She proved my point. But still, I won't lie, the young male did look quite attracting. Over the time I've fallen for both men and women, but I lean mostly towards men.

He walked in and ordered a drink and came over and sat down next to me. That's when I looked down at his neck to see my mark. A little heart.

Might as well start up a conversation with the young male while he's here.

"I'm sorry to hear you little conversations from earlier."

"Oh it's alright. I've been acting like it hasn't been bothering me at all, that was until she started to flirt with another boy."

"And waste a young male like yourself? Mortals really do never change."

"Your a half vampire?"

"Sorry love but I'm a full vampire."

"Is if bad that your the first full vampire I've met who's probably not trying to claim me as there's?"

"That's because that little mark you have belongs to me."

I showed him the palm of my hand and he took a sip of his drink with a small smirk on his face.

"Well well well. After twenty years of searching, It's finally nice to meet you."

"The same goes for you as well."

"Oh, I nearly forgot my manners. I'm Kim Namjoon."

"Kim Seokjin, But I just go by Jin."

"Well then, no need for a name Change I can see."

Knows how to crack some Jokes. This shall be fun."

"Oh wait. Your the one Vampire that the Jeon Twins can't ever stop taking about."

"That's me. I've had fun hearing on how they keep looking for me. I've decided that I've had enough hiding for the time being."

"They'll be so happy to finally see you I amuse. Oh knowing the youngest two they'll tackle me to the ground."

"Did you hear they finally got their little sister back? They also found their mates already."

"I've heard about that mates but I didn't hear about their little sister. Did they kill the witch how took her?"

"Rumor has it that she's slowly being tortured by the two of the them. But it's been nearly a month since she's been taken by the two of them."

"I've taught the boys better then that. It's better to kill your victims faster then to let there screams echo threw out the house. Seo is a curious being and is she hears screams, she'll walk towards them."

"I'm sure she'll kick in the bucket later, well soon. Given how the boys are know for their methods, they'll get rid of her soon."

"I taught them most of those methods. But your right. I say by the end of the ball, she should be dead. They better stab her heart, just to make sure. Witches are tricky."

"Knowing Jimin out of the two, he'll gladly do so."

"True. But after Kookie has had his fun."

"Which should be soon."

"You really are amusing Jin."

"So I've been told. I just speak whatever comes threw my mind. But I guess it is.

"But that is what makes you so amusing. Your not scared to speak your mind. You don't really find a lot of people who are really willing to speak their mind."

"That because all that really matters in today's generation is nothing but popularity and Social status and always trying to fit in. It's should be about expressing who you Truly are. Despite of how people look st you in the long run."

"I'm falling in love with you even more."

"Isn't that my job now?"

Taehyung's pov

Just when I Thought the Garden was huge, the ball room completely tops that cake, at least from what I heard from Seo, who took a sneak peek before she left.

But me and Kookie were just walking around the city and made up an excuse to go out. Even though I've been around the city.

Kookie was telling me what was hear and all the great jazz.

"That bakery was were Granny Sweets and Granny Bitter would watch the kids they would take in."

"Why Sweets and bitter?" That and plus, my stuttering is gone! I've never been so happy, well that's a lie, but still!

But I'm just making sure that it's really gone and not just temporary.

"None Of is ever asked. But we would switch there names sometimes when they were around."

"So Granny Sweets acted Bitter and Granny bitter acted sweet? I'm lost now."

"Granny Sweets got her name because she could make really good Sweets all the time. Granny bitter got here's because if she tried to make anything, it would always taste bitter."

"Ok now that makes more sense."

"Yeah. That tall building is where the old castle was built but, you know what happened to that."

"You lost control because you heard the king killed your mom? But still,how the heck did you destroy a castle!"

"Never doubt a vampires strength. Especially when they're pissed off. That's something that will get you killed."

"Your crazy Kookie."

"But I'm Your crazy Kookie."

"Of course you are."

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