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Taehyung's pov

I was only running because Jungkook was still trying to make my ass sore. WE JUST DID IT LIKE NOT EVEN 24 HOURS AGO!!! GIVE MY ASS A BREAK!

"I'm gonna get you darling~."

Hahaha nope not today nope! I just kept running but then tripped, which caused me to roll a bit and land on my back while groaning and rubbing my head but I was too lazy and out of breath to sit up.

I close my eyes for a second because I heard footsteps and I look up to see Kookie, with a smile on his face and I only hugged and pouted.

"Got Cha~."

"N-Nya! I-I tripped and that's a-all you can s-say!" This time I was annoyed but he was thinking I was probably just doing this for fun.

"Are you really pouting or that cute fake pout of yours?"

"R-Really pouting."

I was gonna roll away but he grabbed me, not this again! I can never keep my mind focus with his touch.

"I'm sorry darling. It's just so hard to control myself around you. Your scent is already enough to drive me crazy, let alone nuts. I'm actually scared now."


"With this ball coming up. There will be so many other vampires there. They'll smell you and try and take you. I don't want you to see me when I get so pissed off. I've tried to keep that side of me pushed aside for years now. The slightest move I'll lost control."

"I-Is that why y-your also know a-as the most f-feared vampire?"

"Course it is."

"Tell what t-triggered it."

Jungkook's pov

" the day I became a vampire by that witch. She reminded me of what happened to Seo. How pissed I was, how the anger mixed with the hunger for blood just made me lose control.

I ended up hurting Jimin while running away and went on a killing spree.

I couldn't control myself at that point. I just lost it. I didn't come back to my senses till Jimin somehow snapped me out of it.

But word spread quickly and people would mixed thing up like oh I went crazy and killed my sister and everyone is my family but Jimin.

That's when I would slaughter every single person when even thought about those types of things.

People would always try and take Jimin. Even though he's older then me, he tried to protect me since they all wanted me dead.

They nearly did so. But he still stood up for me.

Leave him alone! He's my younger brother and I won't let you hurt him anymore!

I was already bleeding out and he was beaten up, but that didn't stop him from protecting me. Even when I told him to run and find Seo.

So what he lost control! You guys don't know what caused him to lose himself!

We lost our parent due to some crazy witch who was love sick over my brother and this is what happened to us when he followed his heart!

Our little sister was taken by another witch and there's nothing we can do!


That was the first time I've ever seen him break down and cry. He would always have a strong face on.

I could only crawl slowly towards him, but I was losing blood even faster and felt lightheaded but then I smell more blood which caused my eyes to turn red.

That's when every villager let me and bother drink their blood and Jimin squeezed me to death that day and cried even more.

Don't ever let your hunger control you again. Understand? I'm not gonna lose you.

You won't. I promise. I love you hyung.

You better. I love you too.

There are still times where I find myself shaking. Knowing I'm gonna lose it, but Jimin would always just smack me in the head, really hard to.

I looked back up at Taehyung, who tackled me down and we sorta rolled down the hill, neither of us letting go of each other till we stopped.

"Darling are you-" I got cut off when I felt his lips on mine, also hiding on tightly to my shirt. I even tasted tears as he pulled away.

"K-Kookie-ah....I-I'm Sorry!"

"For what darling? You did nothing wrong."

"I-I don't like w-when I h-hear you and J-Jimin been th-hrew pain. I-I can't t-take it!"

I cupped his cheeks to wipe away his tears and kiss his nose, I'm not even using my charm at all, which reminds me that I have to tell him about that.

"There's no need for that darling. It's over and done with. All that matters now, is my love for you."

"Y-You can't expect me n-not to cry a-after hearing t-that?"

"I don't like it when you cry. I feel helpless to you when I see you like that."

"Y-Your my lover. I-I only shed t-tears for you."

"Your stuttering is starting to fade."

"Nice t-try changing the subject."

"But it is!"

I giggled and made us sit up. He rubbed his eyes and smiled again. How I love that smile so much I could die.

"But there's another reason why I'm scared for this ball."


"Each vampire has a charm, I guess you could say. I can make you feel weak under my touch, but only when we tease each other. Jimin can make anyone do what he says with his words. I don't know about Yoongi yet.

But other vampires could do things to you, try and make you forget about me, even hate me for no reason or make you think that I'm your ex or something.

There's one vampire I know who can even make you lose yourself just by looking into his eyes! I might even see him again after forever. But I don't know."

"H-How come you haven't seen him?"

"When he turned, he took that as an opportunity to explore the world before joining me and Jimin."

"Well d-don't worry Kookie. I-I won't let anyone Take me from you. N-No one can make me feel good l-like you can~."

"Damn right."

"Hey, love bats, time to eat! Now hurry up! They cooked Seo's favorite lunch! "

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