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Min Seo's pov

Our old house is so much bigger then what I remember. We all would have such a hard time just trying to fit threw the small little door mom made.

I miss my mom. She was taken away by the king and we never saw her again. I know the king was cruel, but maybe if he was nicer, he could've found someone else.

But now I have my hyungs again! And new friends to! Well so far only two. But two is better then zero right?

"Jimin, can you tell me more about Hoseok?"

"Well one, he's a good and friendly witch. He even helped us find you."

"I'll tell him thank you for that!"

I'm trying to be the same little cheerful girl I used to be. But I never got to see my brothers after so many years that I felt lost the ability to smile.

"Come on darling smile for me! I made you all of this!"

The witch who took me tried to convince me that she was nice and that she loved me.

But I could see behind her eyes, she hated me, she hated my family, she hated my mom.

"You look so much like your mom. Yet she left me because she fell in love with you stupid father. She left me alone and achieved things I never could!"

She would yell at me while shaking my head while her nails would dig into my skin.

She enjoyed seeing me in pain. But as time went bud she would get even more mad because I lost all emotions every single time we woke up.

The last three years, I would sneak away from her and get my emotions back, and I slowly did.

But I would never show it around her, and now I'm free. But I'm still working on my emotions.

"That and plus you two are both really energetic and funny most of the time."

"That's because we want to see people happy and smiling all the time!"

We walk into a dark room but it was lit by a couple of torches and even- IS THAT VANILLA?!? I LOVE VANILLA!!!

"Oh Hoseok~ Someone wants to me meet you."

I was looking at potions before I heard someone giggle.

I turn around and see someone who nearly made me choke on air.

I turn around and see someone who nearly made me choke on air

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"She's finally awake. Nice to meet you Seo. I'm Hoseok."

I waved shyly and heard Jimin giggle. "Treat her well Hoseok. Or else you won't be happy with the outcome."

"After what she's been threw? Come on now Jimin you know me by now. I would never hurt a women's feelings. Especially your little sister."

"I'll hold you onto that."

Jimin gave me a quick smile before walking out, leaving me with Hoseok and all of his spells and potions.

"You have more potions then that witch ever did."

"That's because unlike her, I don't make spells to ruin people's lives. I use mine to make people happy."

He came towards me with a empty bottle, empty bottles like that contain special little sparks or something like that.

When he opened it, little sparks that even looked like fairies flew everywhere, way better then crows flying around you when you mess up a spell.


I knew I was acting like a little kid but come on! It's pretty!

"Could you be my teacher for magic?!"

"If that's what you want then sure."


Yoongi's pov

"He's really cheerful." I'm just sitting the field of blue roses and I'm seeing Taehyung just run from Jungkook while laughing.

"Why must your always look down kitten? Come on and give me a smile."

I groaned but felt my smile come on anyway as Jimin sat down next to me and smiled. Oh how I want to wipe that smile off his face.

"You looks so much better with a smile on your face then your frown."

I rolled my eyes and felt my smile fade and I huffed and just looked at the flowers and found one in my hands.

"Your really gonna spoil the hell out of me aren't you."

"I told you before that I would."

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