Chapter 17

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"This time you really can't look." Blake tells me as we approach the mysterious second event of the evening.

I oblige and cover my eyes with my hands. I'm glad that he had more planned for the night, I'm not sure if I was ready to be done yet. He stops the car and I hear him quickly get out. Seconds later my door opens and Blake helps me get out of the car, my eyes stayed closed the entire time.

"If this is how you kill me, I'll haunt you forever."

His breath hits the back of my head as he laughs. "I'll keep that in mind."

My heart rate spikes as I realize just how close he is to me. Blake holds on of my hands while his other rests on my waist. He walks closely behind me to guide me to the surprise. I can feel the warmth radiate off his body and seep into me.

For late September, the air isn't as chilly as it should be in the Midwest. Not that I'm complaining, I'm not really dressed for the weather anyway. The only thing keeping me warm is the cardigan wrapped around my shoulders and Blake, who has kept very close to me.

"Ta da!" Blake prompts me to open my eyes and when I do my breath catches as the site before me.

About a dozen couples sit on the neatly trimmed lawn of an arboretum. On a massive screen is the title Romeo + Juliet projected from a light a few yards away. The clearing is lined with various trees and flower bushes that make the space feel like something out of a fairytale. Strong lights illuminate the landscape from above, perfectly matching the ethereal mood of the setting. Blake carries two blankets on his shoulder and a goofy smile on his face.

"How did you know I love this movie?" I turn towards him with pure shock in my voice. I'm not a huge fan of Shakespeare, especially Romeo and Juliet, but this movie is the exception.
He smiles as he lays a blanket on the dewy grass.

"I figured you'd like it. You used to do the school musicals and stuff, so I thought this would be right up your alley." His warm hand finds mine as we sit on the blanket and wrap the other one around our shoulders. The collected heat from the both of us is just enough to protect from the elements.

I look at Blake's face with admiration. This is too good to be true. It's scary how well he was able to read me and know what I would like. Even more scary to think of how much he knows about me.

I don't know when it happened, but Blake became an ingrained part of my life. And I don't hate it. In fact, I think that I would miss him if he left.

"Cuddle up, Princess. The movie is starting." Blake wraps his arm around my shoulder under the blanket and pulls me close to him.

Heat rushes to my face, as it feels like it constantly is tonight, when my side is fully pressed into Blake. His arm falls from my shoulder to my waist, gripping the squishy flesh. I try not to cringe at it. I'm sure Blake is used to girls with toned, tight waists that don't jiggle when they move. Nothing like me.

Blake continues to hold me through the movie. About halfway through, my head grew heavy and I let it fall on his shoulder. For the rest of the movie, my head stays planted on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around me. It's surprisingly comfortable. Like, really comfortable.

"So you're telling me that she likes Leonardo DiCaprio more than Paul Rudd?" Blake whispers in my ear towards the end of the movie. I don't know how he could possibly get any closer. "That's the most unrealistic part of the movie."

Dazzling white teeth greet me as I look up at the man holding me. My eyes held his for a long moment. Blake shifts his gaze to my lips and I swear to god I can see his face get closer to mine. Is he going to kiss me?

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