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"Well well someone's looking desperate."
-Bill Cipher

Bill Cipher's POV


°·        I cross my arms,"I'm sorry what?" Glaring at the towering gnome I sniff the air. I make a disgusted face and look at Finn," You made a mistake it smells like you."

    The blonde freak strokes his crown with his pinky, cleaning slowly every inch of my crown. Strands of hair leak to cover half of his face, freaking emo. Crisscross he hums a tune. I bet he's lucky he's not in my place. Glad the universe is in my favour to suffer at the hands of an depressed sociopath.

"What is this Christmas? I ain't no little kid for Santa to leave me his left over crums. I like rich chocolate chip cookies!" I edge closer to him, "Fully baked."

     I'm the KING of the multiverse and I should be treated as such! I scan Branches from head to toe waiting for his response. The real emo kid clicks his tounge and slips out the edge of a familiar blade from his cloak.

I sigh bobbing my head to the left then back. "You know I can go for another round right?"

"Not this time."Branches says.

"Hm."I nod. Looking at the poor excuse for a meal my eye twitches. " I rather starve-"

"Eat it."



    I sit back againts the dry wood wall and taunt him with a small smile. He glances to the weapon in his hand then back to me. Wirt walks off and comes back with a cooked fish. He tosses it at Finn's feet. My pupils dialate at the unfair act. "Wait you're giving him food worthy of a king, but you give me left overs ?" I frown.

"I wouldn't call it 'worthy of a king'. Eat it."he commands.

   Finn gives no thought about the consequences and snatches the nosh our of place. He eats it right on the floor. I watch him dig his teeth in the meat. His mouth craving for more. He tears off violently one half like an animal.

    Finn hums,"Mmm!"and chomps two times. Mush swirls in his mouth as he falls back at the delicious flavour.

    I snap out of my trance and notice saliva drool out of my mouth. I slurp it back in before looking at Branches,"Congrats kid I'm sold!"

    Wirt tosses me the burnt food. It lands on my lap. I grab it and push it in my mouth. I crave the watery taste of the wiggly creature's insides. A lime taste curls in my mouth. I tear a piece with my teeth harsh. A crunchy sense combined with a green healthy smell rolls in. Lettuce? When did Branches have time to get 'lettuce'? What's a lettuce?

    I look up at Branches. His face made of disgust as I lick my lips. "Hey what's a 'lettuce'?"

     Pine Tree's knowledge was carved hidden in a black door with the rest of his memories. Did he leave them there for me? Abandoned? He wouldn't do such thing. I guess the door of knowledge opens randomly. Where are you Pine Tree?



·°·     No POV

       Bill floats in the endless realm of darkness. His limp arms charge with energy along with his entire body. A golden glow radiated off him. He looked around. The Dream Realm? Thought I couldn't get here without my powers. He looks around.

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