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Bill's POV

"I am hungry, what is something you desire backwards after you are stressed?"


"Desserts!" Bursting into laughter, I hug my stomach letting out a dying growl for nosh. Pizza, hot dogs, pie, souls, sweets, fruits...a deluxe buffet is what I need! I turn to look at Wirt,"Feed me."I command.

The gnome continues to saunter calmly down the long extended grey desert. The walls seem to almost swallow his lantern's flame, it flickers.

Out of nowhere, the lantern flickers more. Wirt glares at it then the end of the tunnel, what's he thinking? We halt as he stares with a grim face at the darkness. I kick his leg, "I said, feed me!" Did he not hear my desperate plead?! I yell.

"Keep moving or I'll leave you."He threats.

"That's not good enough for me to leave, why don't you just kill me if I won't?"I smirk.

"Because killing isn't the worst fear, it's being left behind."Wirt continues with Finn.

"Wow you are depressing."I smirk. To be completely honest I do want to stab him in the throat and spill his vocal cords on the floor, but I'm not stupid. If I can get help from these two then it's worth a shot....I want to shoot Finn. I skip next to Wirt with a glittering smile. My perfection is to blame for him having a face so glum!

There's puddles of dark liquid on the floor. I hop into every single one of them while my two acquaintances stroll over and around them. Wirt squints and looks at them suspicious.

"I-I see light!"Finn shouts.

"Shut up fried fish!"I comment.

Indeed, there is a glimmering light at the end of the dark mulky tunnel. The bright light seems to take away the thick brick of darkness, luring us further deep. I have a bad feeling about this. Or it may just be old superstition. I shrug, avoiding my thoughts,"Let's go!" I hollar nudging Finn's elbow.

With my brightest smile, I sprint down the large tunnel with Finn behind me. I glance at him quickly before turning away,"Couldn't get enough of me could you?"I tease.

"Sh-Shut up!"

Once at the end, the blinding light fades. I rub my eyes and focus on the energy pouring out of my sockets. When I adjust my sight, I stare at a giant tree in front of me. It's orange petals float down with peaches hanging from its branches. It's glowing. Specs of dust dwindle down from it's bark.

"Wow how disappointing. "I cross my arms.

Finn stops next to me, breathing slowly with a hanging tounge,"W-What is that?"he huffs. I sweep my legs under his feet. "Ah!"he falls on his back.

I bend over and smile mischievously as he stares at me clueless. I cock my head sideways,"Take a good seat, it's about to start."

"W-W-What is?"

"Shut your tiny nonexistent mouth, damn you sound like a car turning on but it won't. "I wave at him.

"W-W-What's a c-c-car?"Finn asks while Wirt comes up behind us. He hides his lantern in his coat and quietly saunters towards us.

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