Part II 🥀. I - The Tube

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Part II

"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." -Pablo Picasso.

Lorna peers over her shoulders, curious to see where the giant general is taking her. She's escorted with four other soldiers by her side. Her emerald gaze travels up to the neon lined corners of the large blue-grey corridor. An eerie aroma of coal leaks from two large doors at the end of the tall hallway. She scrunched her nose at the rich smell, where are we going?

"Having second thoughts?"Iron turns to her raising a brow.

"Ney, not a single one."Lorna bows her head down. Her doleful eyes twinkle under the light.

"Asking us for help is like tossing away to your soul into the fire, to be brutally honest. I can assure you dear Lorna that we're helping you. You aren't the first one to ask us you know. Another girl in the exact copy of your situation came to us for aid. She had a different reason though." Iron lectures turning back around to slap his hand on a transparent square glass next to the doors. Green lights scan his hand, and the tall door shifts open to the side.

They stroll in. Lorna's eyes pop out to the soft light coming from three large tubes in front if her. The colossal aquatic tanks were filled to the top with mint green liquid. They were all filled, but the one on the left intrigued her. A human silhouette with long hair floats between all the green blue water. It had a feminine vibe with it's slight curves, and it's petite size. A faint pink glow irrigated a rosy aura.

"Magical isn't it?"Iron smiles as he pats Lorna's shoulder from behind. She jumps at his touch, and quickly backs away covering herself tighter with the brown wool blanket she was given to because of the coldness in the skip.

The air is so thin you can see your own breath, and heart your thumping heart beat. Lorna let's out a misty sigh before she looks up again at the large tube,"Give me your hand."Iron grabs her hand, and leaps into the air.

He tugs along Lorna's light body up to see the human contained in the large tank. Iron wraps her arms around his neck so she can grab on as she floats up to his height. Faint red spreads below her eyes, and her porcelain skin burns up.

"This mystical creature here is Princess Bubblegum from the Candy Kingdom of OOO." Iron tells her unfazed by her reaction.

The princess's features were solid, and perfect. Every angle was proportional, and thought out. Her pink skin stood out with her dark pink hair floating around her. She seemed to be sleeping. She wore a skinny grey suit on her, and a breathing mask on her face. A thin tube trailed all the way up to the cealing. The tube went all the way to disperse into cords that lead to a large computer system on the other side of the room. Busy scientist chatter quietly in whispers about the large screen in front with a heartbeat detector, and their notes on clipboards in hand.

"We found her on another frozen planet close to OOO. Her home is so frozen solid that not even our ships can get through the thick ice. We melted the ice cube she was contained in and brought her into questioning. She told us that she was trying to raise an army to defeat the person responsible for freezing her home. When she did she went to battle the 'Ice Prince' they call him. He froze her, and her army. She told us she needed help to defeat this man. We told her we would help her in one condition; to help us in our most dangerous experiment. It's classified, but I'll tell you that it's for humans to hold special powers, and to work solely for Time Baby as his followers. Time Baby wants a better, more modified human society, so we came up with the experiment. She said that she would do anything to get rid of that so-called prince. She's the first successful specimen to pass the first parts of the test. You're now following in her footsteps." Iron explains.

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