Chapter 29

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I fall down onto the big bed in the room, excited to sleep on a bed. The journey took two and a half days total, which meant we had to sleep on the ground. The three of us figured it would be easier too sleep in our wolf forms instead of our human form. I was glad about that because I would have had back pain from sleeping in the dirt. After we had arrived at the old house that Tyler had set up for us, he gave us a tour and then gave us each a room so we could sleep and gain the energy we needed to make to trip to Topia, the human land. With a knock on the door, I reluctantly got up dragging my feet to the door.

"Hey, can I come in?" Just seeing him gives me some energy, I think that's because of my wolf getting excited that her mate is here. I step aside giving him access to walk in. I look behind him in the hallway seeing the dark corridor.

"Tyler and Cade went into town." He answers the question on my mind. I close the door behind Jax as he sits down on an empty chair by the desk across from the bed. Returning to my seat on the bed, I look back at him noticing how tired he looks but doing a good job at hiding it. The dark circles under his eyes giving him a sort of black tint at the corners of his eyes, his hair a mess like he hasn't put a brush through it. His whole demeanor just seems to be tired, his slouched body putting all his weight on the chair, if it wasn't metal it would have snapped.

"You look tired." I tell him, for some reason I'm a bit bothered by it. Like all I want him to do is sleep so he can feel better. He lets out a humorless laugh at my comment.

"Yea tell me about it, I haven't been sleeping." He blurts out, his reaction showing that he never meant to tell me that. I cock my head to the side, watching as his fingers pick at each other not able to stay still.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, concerned for his being. 

"I haven't been right since we left the pack." His honesty throwing me back. If he hasn't been right since we left the pack that mean this has to do with the conversation we had just before we left. That conversation seemed to put us both in a difficult position. He wants me to give up when things seem to be going downhill, and I'm just not entirely up for it.

"This is about that conversation we had before we left right?" He nods while letting out a sigh. 

"I figured." Was all I say, just looking at him I can tell how defeated he looks. His eyes going back in forth trying to figure things out. His leg jumping up and down showing just how stressed he is. Part of me wants to have this conversation and tell him that I don't want to run away when things look bad. But the other part of me just wants to forget about all of our problems for the night and just enjoy each others' company and just try to connect on a mate level. Looking at him I decide to do the more appealing option.

"Did you come here to talk?" I ask him, wanting to see what his intentions are. His leg stops and he looks up at me for the first time since he came in here. I send him a reassuring smile. Surprised by my actions, I can feel his eyes on me as I get up from my spot and go for my bag, looking for something a little bit more comfortable.

"Yes that's initially why I came, I figured it was the perfect time since the guys are out." He explains. I dig through my pack until I find the oversized tee shirt. I pull it out while I breathe out an 'I see' to indicate that I'm listening.

"I didn't feel right leaving things how we did, with you mad at me." He continues, as I find the shorts in my bag. I pull them out once my hand lands on them. As I pull out the clothing I look back to Jax who seems to be watching me. I glance at the clock reading the time, giving out a smile, happy that it's late enough to sleep.

 "Yea, I wasn't too happy about the conversation, if I'm being honest." I say as I slip off my socks, he replies with a 'yea I know' as I turn towards the closet, stepping inside it, leaving the door open.

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