Chapter 11

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 Two days, It's been two days tied to this chair in Jax's room. Jax hasn't left the room unless it was to deal with important pack business. I try to stretch out as much as possible since I'm restrained. I notice the door open, watching as Jax walks back in with a plate of food, my stomach growls from the smell but I internally gag, not wanting to eat at all. Jax sits down in front of me.

"You need to eat." I shake my head, I hear him sigh.

"You haven't eaten in two days, I can't watch you starve to death." I scoff at him, he lets out a low growl. Since he tied me up here I have had no interest in him answering him. I just watched as he asked me questions and then get mad when I didn't respond. I sat in silence as he left me here alone to deal with my thoughts and hatred towards myself.

"Fine don't eat." He sets the food on the floor, but stays seated. 

"Can you at least answer some of my questions?" He pleads with me. I want to answer all of his questions but I just don't have the energy to, my heart can't watch him slowly start to hate me after every  question. Hoping my silence will trigger the anger once again and he finally kills me. 

"Why, you already hate me." I spit out. I look at him wanting to see his reaction. He shows nothing but the constant jump in his leg says everything. 

"I need to understand, I need to know why you lied to me, what your plan is."

"I don't have a plan, everything I told you was true, I was relocating, finding a new place." His face shows recognition.

"You did mention something about that when we first met, why were you relocating?" I laugh at his question, he seems confused.

"You know who my parents are, can you blame me?" I shoot at him. He leans back, trying his hardest to figure me out. He knew just how cruel and ruthless they were, was it so hard to believe they treated everyone the same way, especially their own pups?

"But you're their daughter, don't you have a natural urge to follow their lead?" I give out a humorless laugh. If only he knew, if anyone holds the top spot and the list of wolves who want to kill them, he'd definitely wouldn't be asking me that.

"What just because I'm their daughter, I have no mind of my own? No opinions of my own?" The anger rising in me after every assumption he throws. I'm sick and tired of everyone assuming I'm going to follow my parents footsteps.

"And you're saying you have a different view than your parents? You're not like them?" He asks in disbelief. I shake my head in disappointment. I can't imagine a world where I live to see other wolves suffer and kill them just for fun.

"Is that so hard to believe? Is it so hard to believe that I don't want to have anything to do with those people?" I spit out angrily, feeling the venom dripping out with every word. He doesn't say anything, just keeps his eyes on me, I notice his eyes never actually reaching my face but just below, he's staring at my neck. I can see a bit of guilt but its gone just as fast as it appeared.

"Does it still hurt?" I look at him, pretending to be confused.

"Your neck, does it still hurt?" I clear my throat, it still burns but I'm not going to admit that to him.

"I'm fine, can't even feel it." My voice cracks just a little to prove that it does.

"How's Jennifer?" I ask trying to change the subject. Stealing glances over to the door separating Jennifer and I. 

"She's in the other room, she's fine just scared." I wish I could hug her, reassure her that I'm fine, anything to calm her nerves. I started to move under the restraints, not liking my position at the moment.

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