Chapter 7

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"Yeah, at first I thought the place looked horrific, but after a few visits, I've learned that true beauty resides from the inside and not from the outside. Plus the food is amazing." Jax says through a mouthful of waffles. 

"The food is truly amazing." I reply cutting up the last few pieces of my pancakes. He nods chugging a glass of milk. I just slowly eat while I watch him devour his food. Looking around this diner, I notice its very busy but the only customers that this diner seems to attract is older couples, not a person our age in this place.

"Where are your parents?" I ask without thinking about what kind of reaction I'd get from him. From the instant change in his demeanor, I knew I had made a mistake bringing them up. He puts down his fork and wipes his face. Meeting me with a cold expression, an expression I know all too well, all too familiar. 

"They were killed." Was all he said. I freeze knowing all too well the tone he uses. Just taking a guess, I'm assuming rouges had a part in this.

"How?" My curiosity gets the best of me. My words betraying me, before I realized what I had asked Jax had already decided on how he was gonna answer. A silence fills our table as his eyes run from side to side, stopping after a few seconds, gently grabbing his cup and downing the rest of the liquid inside. My eyes glued to him, part of me wants to look away and change the subject, but the curiosity in me keeps me stuck in place, not able to break away.

"Rouges happened." He spits out. I involuntarily flinch at the coldness of his tone. I have gotten used to this tone as other wolves, in the past, have given me  because of my parents and because I am a rouge as well. But for some reason when he uses this same tone with me, it stirs something inside of me. I try my hardest not to show how much that affected me. I look down at my food knowing all too well that I've completely lost my appetite. I hate that I'm a rouge, that my parents forced me into this kind of life. A life that I'm forced to endure alone, that I don't have a choice on how I can live because pack wolves can't trust rouges. My only option is to transition into the human world, a world where rouges and wolves don't mean a thing. Somewhere I can belong without the instant hate from my peers. Just the thought of not having the instant hate just because of my roots brings a small smile to my face. 

"Oh." Was all I could muster. Even though we are suppose to be mates, his hatred for rouges overpowers our bond and I can feel it at this very moment. Jax takes a few breaths and then looks back up at me and gives me a very forced smile. I see him eye my plate, my pancakes pretty much gone, but my has browns and sausage just sit there untouched. Being the offspring to the most well known and powerful rouges to the wolf world is hard to deal with. Knowing that most hardships that pack wolves have to deal with is because of my parents just makes me uneasy, troubled, maybe? The effort to distance myself from them never gets easier, as long as I can remember no one has ever given me a chance to show them the real wolf that I am.  

"Not hungry anymore?" I shake my head, giving him a lie that I have a stomach ache. I can tell he didn't believe me but doesn't push it. Jax's mouth opens, getting ready to say something but stops when our attention is forced to the entrance of the diner, the door slamming against the wall from behind. A muddy haired boy, panic oozing out of him, his head spinning in all different directions like he's looking for someone. His eyes lands on the two of and runs right to our table smelling like blood. His hands dirty with red and brown colors, blood and dirt? 

"Alpha Jax, we've got a problem, we've got a rouge trespasser!" The wolf says out of breathe. He looks to him and gets up as fast as possible, throwing a few bills on the table. Without a choice I follow him to the car. Seeing how he reacts to a trespassing rouge shakes me to the core, it's unsettling seeing how the mention of a rouge on his territory forces him to feel. The uneasiness and hatred just spilling out of him in this car. Causing me scoot closer to the door, trying to make myself as small and unnoticeable as possible. I watch him as his fists ball up, how every once in a while he balls up his fists and then releases them. How he takes deep breathes, seeing how hard it is to control himself while in a vehicle with other pack wolves and of course me, a rouge sitting just inches away from him. I reach out to him but he pulls away from me. This small action forces me to sink further into my seat, knowing that no matter what situation he's in I can't help him out because I'm part of the problem. I'm a just another rouge to him. Once we get back to the pack house he jumps out without a word  racing to the pack house, I run trying to keep up with him, its like he's forgotten I'm stuck with him, being a rouge mated to an alpha is hard when his natural ability his ten times stronger than an average wolf. That his speed and stamina is a lot more advanced than someone as low as me, a rouge. Jax approaches the field where other wolves have gathered signaling that is where all the commotion is. We get closer, as the crowd splits in half for Jax but closes as soon as he passes, leaving me to push through each body, causing me to stumble, once I've finally gotten through the crowd,  a wolf with messy light brown hair falling down to her waist, easily covering her face comes to light. But the closer I get, the more I start to recognize the familiar features and sounds coming from her. The shaking figure below me seems be frightened. I look up to Jax to see him trying to figure out what to do with a rouge who doesn't seem to be giving out any hostile feelings. I look back down to the figure, kneeling down to get a closer look at the rouge. 

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