Chapter 1

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'Just keep running'

I tell myself as I dodge branches and jump over roots. Not willing to slow down even a little until I'm far away enough that I can't even see buildings or any type of civilization behind me. After what felt like hours, I start to slowly reduce my speed hoping that I can take a small break. I plant myself on an old tree stump, lean back on my hands and take a deep breath. 


As I look up at the blue sky, bright green leaves somewhat blocking my view, I think about how I finally took action and left. Not even bringing more than what I needed, not saying goodbye, but just waking up and just bolting. It was exhilarating to say the least, I felt free. Free from my life, free from my parents, free to be who I wanted. I was away from all the bad memories and from the sad ones as well. Looking around I notice a small lake, I jump to my feet walking over to splash some water on my face.

'Finally alone'

 Since my brothers' death, all I ever wanted to do was run away and be alone. No one to bother, no one to trust or depend on, and especially no one to lose or miss ever again. Now I can finally do my own thing. Kneeling down to the water I catch a glimpse of the person looking back at me. My strawberry blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail, but still long enough to hit the ground as I'm kneeling down. My emerald green eyes bright enough to be the first thing I see in the water's reflection of myself, dirt specs scattered across parts of my face. As I splash the cold water on my face I try not to think about any negative effects that may happen with my departure. How my parents will probably have everyone looking for me and not in a good way. 


My head spins so fast in the direction of the sound, someone must have been following me or, I look around trying to find any indication that maybe I may have stepped into pack territory. Deciding it's not best to stick around and find out, I grab my things as quietly as possible and start to take off. Before I can though, two wolves slowly approach me, growling and snapping their teeth at me. I step backwards, hoping another route may be best. I turn around and there's two more inching towards me. Frantically looking around I noticed I'm completely surrounded, most in wolf form and some in human form.

'Pack territory!' My wolfs growls, being a rouge means not being welcome anywhere, which also means we are always automatically treated as a threat to packs. One wolf in particular catches my eye and I can feel the power radiating off of him. The pale hue of golden browns cover his fur with piercing blue eyes. The alpha shifts back into human form, I look up ignoring his naked figure as my wolf slightly whimpers due to the huge flow of power. Alphas can be intimidating, especially since they are ten times as powerful compared to a normal wolf. As a rouge, our strength and power can't compare to an alpha since they have the power of a pack backing them, but also because alphas are naturally stronger, bigger, and very difficult to kill. Someone throws him some clothes to throw on, causing the awkwardness of him being naked to disappear.

  Finally being able to take in his appearance, now that he is dressed, I can't deny that he is handsome, with his messy dirty blonde hair and angry pale blue eyes and brawny figure. 

"Who are you and what are you doing on my territory, rouge." He spits out. I can feel the instant judgment and anger towards what I am, a rouge. To anyone else he may have scared the person in my position, but being constantly treated like the way he is treating me is like any other regular day for me. I just give him a listless look. 

"Am I boring you, rouge?" He breathes out. Not wanting me to be here any longer. I breathe out and begin to speak when I notice a smaller black wolf transform back into a petite woman with  short jet-black hair and two different colored eyes.

A Rouge with PowersWhere stories live. Discover now